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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Amaç: Ayak bileğiekleminin ve bu eklemi oluşturan kemik yüzeylerin morfolojik ölçümleri ayakbileği protez tasarımları için temel kılavuzdur. Çalışmamızın amacı Niğdebölgesinin sahip olduğu ayak bileği eklemi morfolojik ölçümlerini belirlemek veulusal ayak bileği protez tasarımları geliştirmeyi amaçlayan araştırmacılariçin bir veri kaynağı oluşturmaktır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Niğde ÖmerHalisdemir Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Ortopedi ve Travmatolojipolikliniğine 2 Ocak 2018-30 Haziran2018 tarihleri arasında başvuran ve herhangi bir sebepten dolayı ayak bileği ManyetikRezonans Görüntülemesi (MRG) çekilen hastalar geriye dönük olarak incelenmiştir.Bu görüntülerden ayak bileği boyut ölçümleri, ayak bileği en-boy oranları,distal tibia eğim ölçümleri ve komplikasyonla ilişkili anatomi ölçümleri ve 15indekse ait değerlendirmeler yapılmıştır.Bulgular: Çalışmamızda 100hastaya ait 100 MRG tetkiki üzerinde ölçümler tamamlanmıştır. Hastalardan 71’ikadın ve 29’u erkektir. Ortalama yaş tüm çalışma grubunda 43.75±14.80 (14-75),kadın cinsiyette 44.37±15.06 (14-75) ve erkek cinsiyette 42.24±14.28 (18-73)olarak bulunmuştur. Tibia ve talus boyut ölçüm parametreleri TiAL, MTiTh, SRTi,TiW, TaAL, TaW, MalW erkeklerde kadınlara nazaran anlamlı şekilde yüksekbulunmuştur. Ancak sırası ile tibia ve talus en-boy oranlarını ifade edenMTiTh/TiW ve TaAL/TaW parametreleri ve komplikasyon ile ilişkili anatomi ölçümparametreleri APG, MDV, MDA ve MalW/TiW cinsiyetler arasında anlamlı farklılıkgöstermemiştir.Sonuç: Bu sonuçlarerkeklerde kadınlara nazaran daha büyük boy protez bileşenleriningerekebileceğini ancak tek tip protez tasarımının her iki cinsiyette dekullanılabileceğini göstermektedir.
Objective: Themodern designs of the total ankle prosthesis systems depend heavily on theavailable information on the morphology of the bones of the ankle joint.However, to our knowledge there is no study describing the characteristics ofankle morphometry in Turkish population. The aim of the present study was todetermine the morphology of the ankle joint in healthy subjects in Niğdeprovince of Turkey and to reveal a dataset for the innovation of the nationaltotal ankle prosthetic system designs.Material and Methods: Wereviewed all ankle Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans of the patients fromthe digital archive of our hospital from October 2, 2018 to June 30, 2018 toobtain 100 eligible ankle MRI scans. Fifteen indexes were measured and sizediversity, aspect (anteroposterior/mediolateral) ratio, distal anteroposteriorinclination angle, and complication-related anatomy of the ankle weredetermined.Results: MRIof 71 female and 29 male ankles were retrospectively analyzed. The mean age inthe whole study group was 43.75±14.80 (14-75). The size parameters of the tibiaand talus; TiAL, MTiTh, SRTi, TiW, TaAL, TaW, MalW were greater in male groupthan in female group significantly. However, aspect ratio parameters of theankle MTiTh/TiW and TaAL/TaW and the complication related anatomy parametersAPG, MDV, MDA and MalW/TiW did not differ according to the gendersignificantly.Conclusion: Theseresults suggest that larger prosthetic components may be required in the totalankle arthroplasty surgery in males compared to females. However, the sametotal ankle prosthesis design should be appropriate in both gender in Niğdeprovince of Turkey.
Objective: Themodern designs of the total ankle prosthesis systems depend heavily on theavailable information on the morphology of the bones of the ankle joint.However, to our knowledge there is no study describing the characteristics ofankle morphometry in Turkish population. The aim of the present study was todetermine the morphology of the ankle joint in healthy subjects in Niğdeprovince of Turkey and to reveal a dataset for the innovation of the nationaltotal ankle prosthetic system designs.Material and Methods: Wereviewed all ankle Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) scans of the patients fromthe digital archive of our hospital from October 2, 2018 to June 30, 2018 toobtain 100 eligible ankle MRI scans. Fifteen indexes were measured and sizediversity, aspect (anteroposterior/mediolateral) ratio, distal anteroposteriorinclination angle, and complication-related anatomy of the ankle weredetermined.Results: MRIof 71 female and 29 male ankles were retrospectively analyzed. The mean age inthe whole study group was 43.75±14.80 (14-75). The size parameters of the tibiaand talus; TiAL, MTiTh, SRTi, TiW, TaAL, TaW, MalW were greater in male groupthan in female group significantly. However, aspect ratio parameters of theankle MTiTh/TiW and TaAL/TaW and the complication related anatomy parametersAPG, MDV, MDA and MalW/TiW did not differ according to the gendersignificantly.Conclusion: Theseresults suggest that larger prosthetic components may be required in the totalankle arthroplasty surgery in males compared to females. However, the sametotal ankle prosthesis design should be appropriate in both gender in Niğdeprovince of Turkey.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Ayak bileği protezi, Niğde, morfometrik analiz, tibia, talus, Ankle prosthesis, Nigde, morphometric analysis, tibia, talus, Health Care Administration
Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Dergisi
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