Doğu Akdeniz politikaları çerçevesinde Avrupalı devletlerin Yunan isyanına desteği; Kamuoyu desteği, diplomatik destek, silahlı destek
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Avrupa’da ulusalcı ayaklanmaların mahkûm edildiği bir dönemde ortaya çıkan Yunan isyanı, Avrupalı devletlerin desteğini kazanabildi Bunu, Avrupa kamuoyunun desteğine ve büyük güçlerin bölge üzerindeki çıkar çatışmalarına borçludur. Kültürel nedenler ve de geçmişe dayanan Türk-İslam düşmanlığıyla beslenen Avrupa kamuoyu hükümetlerini isyancı Yunanlılar lehinde müdahaleye teşvik etmiştir. Artan kamuoyu baskısı ve Mısır güçlerinin isyana müdahalesi ile Avrupa diplomasisi isyancılar yanında harekete geçti. Bir anlamda, büyük devletlerin nüfuz mücadelesine dönüşen diplomatik girişimler netice vermeyince, Sultan Mahmut askerî güç kullanılarak Yunanistan’daki gelişmeleri kabule zorlandı.1827 yılında Osmanlı donanmasının Navarin’de imha edilmesinin ardından çıkan Osmanlı – Rus savaşı sonunda sultan Yunanistan’ın bağımsızlığını kabul etmek zorunda kaldı.
The Greeks raised the standard of revolt in a period when the nationalist movements were doomed in Europe. However, the revolt could get the European powers support. It owed this advantage to the sympathy of the European public opinion and the struggle of the great powers for their interests in the eastern Mediterranean. The European public opinion,under influence of the cultural factors and inherited Turkish and Islamic hostility, forced their governments to intervene in the revolt in favor of the insurgents. Under increasing pressure of the public opinion and intervention of the Egyptian forces to the revolt, European governments gradually began to change their tone. Following failure in the diplomatic attempts which turned into the great powers struggles for predominance, Sultan Mahmut was forced to accept the developments in Greece by using military power. After the defeat in Russian war, began following the destruction of the Otoman fleet in Navarino in 1827, sultan had to accept Greek independence.
The Greeks raised the standard of revolt in a period when the nationalist movements were doomed in Europe. However, the revolt could get the European powers support. It owed this advantage to the sympathy of the European public opinion and the struggle of the great powers for their interests in the eastern Mediterranean. The European public opinion,under influence of the cultural factors and inherited Turkish and Islamic hostility, forced their governments to intervene in the revolt in favor of the insurgents. Under increasing pressure of the public opinion and intervention of the Egyptian forces to the revolt, European governments gradually began to change their tone. Following failure in the diplomatic attempts which turned into the great powers struggles for predominance, Sultan Mahmut was forced to accept the developments in Greece by using military power. After the defeat in Russian war, began following the destruction of the Otoman fleet in Navarino in 1827, sultan had to accept Greek independence.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi OTAM
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Scopus Q Değeri
Çetintaş, E. (2007). Doğu Akdeniz politikaları çerçevesinde Avrupalı devletlerin Yunan isyanına desteği; Kamuoyu desteği, diplomatik destek, silahlı destek. Osmanlı Tarihi Araştırma ve Uygulama Merkezi Dergisi OTAM, 0(22), 83 - 108.