Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi Ve Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararları Işığında Mahkemeye Erişim Hakkı
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Erişim Hakkı
Avrupa İnsan Hakları Sözleşmesi ile Anayasa'da tanınan bir hakkının ihlal edildiğini iddia eden herkes, mahkemeye erişim hakkına sahiptir. Mahkemeye erişim hakkı, en genel anlamıyla bir mahkeme kararı elde edebilme hakkını güvence altına alır. Söz konusu hak, uzun tartışmalar ve değerlendirmeler neticesinde hem medeni hak ve yükümlülüklere ait uyuşmazlıklarda hem de suç isnatlarında adil yargılanma hakkı kapsamında tanınmıştır. Mahkemeye erişimin, adil yargılanma hakkının ön koşulu olduğu ilk kez "Doğrudan Etki Doktri"ni tarafından kabul edilmiştir. Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi (AİHM) de 1975 yılında verdiği Golder kararıyla mahkemeye erişim hakkını, adil yargılanma hakkının ön şartı olarak kabul etmiştir. Mutlak bir hak olmayan mahkemeye erişim hakkının doğrudan ya da dolaylı olarak sınırlandırılması mümkündür. Ancak bu sınırlandırmanın meşru amaca hizmet etmesi ve ölçülü olması gerekir. Bugün hem AİHM hem de Anayasa Mahkemesi, mahkemeye erişim hakkının ihlal edildiği iddialarını kabul edilebilir bulmakta ve erişimin engellendiğinin tespit edilmesi halinde ihlal kararı vermektedir. Bu çalışmada yabancı ve Türk Hukuk doktrini ile AİHM ve Anayasa Mahkemesi içtihatları açısından mahkemeye erişim hakkı incelenecektir.
Everyone who believes that their The European Convention of Human Rights and Constitutional rights, that are recognized, are violated has the right of access to court. In its most general sense, the right of access to court ensures for people to have a jurisdictional judgment for their cause. After long debates and considerations, the right of access to court is granted in case of both discrepancies of civil rights and obligations and criminal charge with a right to have a fair hearing. The fact that the right of access to court is the prerequisite for the right to be judged fairly was originally accepted by "Direct Effect Doctrine". With The case- law of Golder in 1975, European Court of Human Rights also accepted that the right of access to court is the prerequisite for the right to a fair trial. It is possible to directly or indirectly restrict the right to access to courts which is not an absolute right in itself. However, this restriction needs to serve the legitimate purposes and be proportionate. Today, both The European Court of Human Rights and Constitutional Court finds the claims about breach of the right of access to court acceptable and if they find that the access is indeed restricted in some way, they decide that a violation has been made. In this article, with the enlightenment provided by Turkish and Foreign Law Doctrine, and the case- law of European Court of Human Rights and Constitutional Court; the right of access to court will be examined
Everyone who believes that their The European Convention of Human Rights and Constitutional rights, that are recognized, are violated has the right of access to court. In its most general sense, the right of access to court ensures for people to have a jurisdictional judgment for their cause. After long debates and considerations, the right of access to court is granted in case of both discrepancies of civil rights and obligations and criminal charge with a right to have a fair hearing. The fact that the right of access to court is the prerequisite for the right to be judged fairly was originally accepted by "Direct Effect Doctrine". With The case- law of Golder in 1975, European Court of Human Rights also accepted that the right of access to court is the prerequisite for the right to a fair trial. It is possible to directly or indirectly restrict the right to access to courts which is not an absolute right in itself. However, this restriction needs to serve the legitimate purposes and be proportionate. Today, both The European Court of Human Rights and Constitutional Court finds the claims about breach of the right of access to court acceptable and if they find that the access is indeed restricted in some way, they decide that a violation has been made. In this article, with the enlightenment provided by Turkish and Foreign Law Doctrine, and the case- law of European Court of Human Rights and Constitutional Court; the right of access to court will be examined
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Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi
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Çayan, G. (2016). Avrupa İnsan Hakları Mahkemesi Ve Anayasa Mahkemesi Kararları Işığında Mahkemeye Erişim Hakkı. Türkiye Adalet Akademisi Dergisi, 0(28), 235 - 271.