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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
Erişim Hakkı
Amaç: Karbonmonoksit zehirlenmeleri ölümcül olabilen ve toplu zehirlenmelere yol açabilen ciddi bir sağlık sorunudur. Bu çalışmada çocukluk çağında olup karbonmonoksit zehirlenmesi ile acil servise başvuran hastaların özellikleri, klinik ve laboratuvar bulgularının araştırılması amaçlanmıştır.Gereç ve Yöntemler: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Çocuk Acil Servisi’ne 2014-2020 yılları arasında karbonmonoksit zehirlenmesiyle başvuran 114 olgu geriye dönük incelendi. Hastaların demografik özellikleri, başvurularının dikkati çeken noktaları başvurudaki belirti ve bulguları, laboratuvar değerleri irdelendi. Hastalık şiddetine göre ve hiperbarik oksijen tedavisi alıp almama durumuna göre ikili gruplamada temel laboratuvar düzeyleri karşılaştırıldı.Bulgular: Ortanca yaşı 8 olan 56 kız, 58 erkek hastanın başvurularının 102’sinde başvuran hasta dışında aileden biri/birileri bulunmaktaydı. En sık kaynak soba, en sık başvurulan ay Ocak ayıydı. En sık semptom bulantı ve kusmaydı. Hastaların genel olarak laboratuvar tetkiklerinin ortanca değerleri normal aralıklarda seyretmekle birlikte; karboksihemoglobin, laktat, troponin, INR, kan glukozu, karaciğer hasar testleri gibi düzeylerinde anormal değerleri olan hastalar da mevcuttu. Klinik şiddete göre hafif ve orta olgular karşılaştırıldığında karboksihemoglobin, laktat ve INR düzeyleri orta şiddetteki hastalarda daha yüksek saptandı. Sadece iki tane hasta ağır olgu olduğu için karşılaştırmaya alınmadı. Olgular, hiperbarik oksijen tedavisi alan ve almayan şeklinde gruplanıp laboratuvar düzeyleri karşılaştırıldığında; troponin T, laktat ve karboksihemoglobin düzeylerinde anlamlı farklılık mevcut saptandı.Sonuç: Çocukluk çağında ciddi problemlere yol açabilen ve semptomları nedeniyle tanıda zorluk yaşanabilen karbonmonoksit zehirlenmeleri için farkındalık arttırılmalı ve sık görüldüğü zamanlar için tedbirler alınmalıdır.
Objective: Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious health problem that can be fatal and can lead to mass poisoning. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the characteristics, clinical and laboratory findings of children who admitted to the emergency department with carbon monoxide poisoning.Material and Methods: One hundred and fourteen cases who admitted to the Kırıkkale University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Emergency Department with carbon monoxide poisoning between 2014-2020 were examined retrospectively. The demographic features of the patients, important aspects of their admission, signs, symptoms and the laboratory values were examined. The basic laboratory values were compared by two-group comparisons according to disease severity and hyperbaric oxygen treatment statusResults: There were 56 female and 58 male patients with a median age of 8. One hundred and two cases admitted with at least one affected person from their family. The most frequent source of carbon monoxide was heating stove and admission was most frequent in January. The most common symptom was nausea/vomiting. While the median laboratory values of the patients were usually between normal ranges, there were patients with abnormal values for carboxyhemoglobin, lactate, troponin, INR, blood glucose, liver damage tests. When mild and moderate cases were compared, carboxyhemoglobin, lactate and INR levels were higher in moderate cases. Two severe cases were excluded from the comparison. Carboxyhemoglobin, lactate and troponin T levels were higher in hyperbaric oxygen treated group than the other groups.Conclusion: Awareness should be raised for carbon monoxide poisoning that may cause serious problems in childhood and that can be difficult to diagnose due to its symptoms. All measures should be taken for the periods of the year when carbon monoxide poisoningzel is frequently seen.
Objective: Carbon monoxide poisoning is a serious health problem that can be fatal and can lead to mass poisoning. In this study, it was aimed to investigate the characteristics, clinical and laboratory findings of children who admitted to the emergency department with carbon monoxide poisoning.Material and Methods: One hundred and fourteen cases who admitted to the Kırıkkale University Medical Faculty, Pediatric Emergency Department with carbon monoxide poisoning between 2014-2020 were examined retrospectively. The demographic features of the patients, important aspects of their admission, signs, symptoms and the laboratory values were examined. The basic laboratory values were compared by two-group comparisons according to disease severity and hyperbaric oxygen treatment statusResults: There were 56 female and 58 male patients with a median age of 8. One hundred and two cases admitted with at least one affected person from their family. The most frequent source of carbon monoxide was heating stove and admission was most frequent in January. The most common symptom was nausea/vomiting. While the median laboratory values of the patients were usually between normal ranges, there were patients with abnormal values for carboxyhemoglobin, lactate, troponin, INR, blood glucose, liver damage tests. When mild and moderate cases were compared, carboxyhemoglobin, lactate and INR levels were higher in moderate cases. Two severe cases were excluded from the comparison. Carboxyhemoglobin, lactate and troponin T levels were higher in hyperbaric oxygen treated group than the other groups.Conclusion: Awareness should be raised for carbon monoxide poisoning that may cause serious problems in childhood and that can be difficult to diagnose due to its symptoms. All measures should be taken for the periods of the year when carbon monoxide poisoningzel is frequently seen.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Karbonmonoksit, zehirlenme, çocuk acilleri, Carbonmonoxide, poisoning, pediatric emergencies, Health Care Administration
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