Gebelikte anormal vajinal akıntı üzerine etkili risk faktörleri
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Amaç: Bu çalışma, kadınların gebelikleri döneminde geçirdikleri vajinal akıntı şikayetlerini, perine ve menstruel hijyen davranışlarını ve ilişkili risk faktörlerini belirlemek amacıyla yapılmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışma, Mayıs - Aralık 2008 tarihleri arasında Kırıkkale Kadın Doğum ve Çocuk Hastanesinde yapılmış, doğum yapan 714 kadına gebelikleri döneminde geçirdikleri anormal vajinal akıntı ve genital ve menstruel hijyen davranışlarını sorgulayan anket uygulanmıştır. Bulgular: Doğum yapan kadınların %31.4’ünün son gebeliklerinde anormal vajinal akıntı şikayeti olduğu saptandı. Anormal vajinal akıntı şikayeti ile öğrenim düzeyi düşüklüğü (p0.007), bir işte çalışmama (p0.041), gelir düzeyi düşüklüğü (p0.035), anemi (p0.0001), daha önce geçirilmiş genital enfeksiyon (p0.024) ve gebelik süresince izlem sayısının azlığı (p0.0001) arasında ilşki saptandı. Pamuklu iç çamaşırı kullananlarda (p 0.013), menstruel dönemde banyo yapanlarda (p 0.0001), vajinal tampon kullanmayanlarda (p 0.042), hijyenik hazır ped kullananlarda (p 0.013) anormal vajinal akıntı şikayeti daha az görülmüştür. Öğrenim düzeyi arttıkça ped değiştirme sıklığı (p0.039), hijyenik ped kullanma oranı (p0.0001), pamuklu iç çamaşırı giyme oranı (p0.012), çamaşır değiştirme sıklığı (p 0.0001) artmakta; menstruel dönemde bez kullanma oranı (p0.0001) ve vajinal tampon kullanma oranı (p 0.032) azalmaktaydı. Sonuç: Gebelikte kadın sağlığının korunması açısından öğrenim düzeyinin yükseltilmesi, hijyen konusunda eğitim verilmesi, gebe izlem sayılarının artırılması ve vajinal enfeksiyonların erkenden etkin tedavisi anormal vajinal akıntı ve genital enfeksiyon sıklığını azaltacaktır.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine vaginal discharge complaints of pregnant women, their attitudes toward genital and menstrual hygiene and related risk factors. Material and Method: This descriptive study has been based on 714 pregnant women that gave birth in Kırıkkale Gynecology-Obstetric and Children‘s Hospital between May 2008 and December 2008. Pregnant women were asked to complete a questionnaire addressing abnormal vaginal discharge, genital and menstrual hygienic attitudes during gestational period beside demographic characteristics. Results: Abnormal vaginal discharge was detected in 31.4% of 714 pregnant women. There was significant relationship between abnormal vaginal discharge and following characteristics such as low educational level (p0.007), being housewife (p0.041), low income (p0.035), anemia (p0.0001), previous genital infection (p0.024) and infrequent gestational follow up examinations (p0.0001). The women with following attitudes complained significantly less abnormal vaginal discharge such as use of cotton underwear (p 0.013), take shower during menstrual period (p 0.0001), no vaginal tampon (p 0.042) and use of hygienic pads (p 0.013). The use of hygienic pads (p0.0001), frequency of pad change (p0.039), cotton underwear (p0.012) and frequency of underwear change (p0.001) were increased with increasing level of education. However, higher education among pregnant women together with decreased use of fabric cloth (p0.0001) and vaginal tampon (p0.032). Conclusion: Higher educational level, training about hygiene, frequent gestational follow up examinations and early effective treatment of genital infections will decrease abnormal vaginal discharge and frequency of genital infections in pregnant women and protect global women‘s health during gestation.
Aim: The aim of this study was to determine vaginal discharge complaints of pregnant women, their attitudes toward genital and menstrual hygiene and related risk factors. Material and Method: This descriptive study has been based on 714 pregnant women that gave birth in Kırıkkale Gynecology-Obstetric and Children‘s Hospital between May 2008 and December 2008. Pregnant women were asked to complete a questionnaire addressing abnormal vaginal discharge, genital and menstrual hygienic attitudes during gestational period beside demographic characteristics. Results: Abnormal vaginal discharge was detected in 31.4% of 714 pregnant women. There was significant relationship between abnormal vaginal discharge and following characteristics such as low educational level (p0.007), being housewife (p0.041), low income (p0.035), anemia (p0.0001), previous genital infection (p0.024) and infrequent gestational follow up examinations (p0.0001). The women with following attitudes complained significantly less abnormal vaginal discharge such as use of cotton underwear (p 0.013), take shower during menstrual period (p 0.0001), no vaginal tampon (p 0.042) and use of hygienic pads (p 0.013). The use of hygienic pads (p0.0001), frequency of pad change (p0.039), cotton underwear (p0.012) and frequency of underwear change (p0.001) were increased with increasing level of education. However, higher education among pregnant women together with decreased use of fabric cloth (p0.0001) and vaginal tampon (p0.032). Conclusion: Higher educational level, training about hygiene, frequent gestational follow up examinations and early effective treatment of genital infections will decrease abnormal vaginal discharge and frequency of genital infections in pregnant women and protect global women‘s health during gestation.
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Genel ve Dahili Tıp
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Pınar, T., Çakmak, Z. A., Saygun, M., Pınar, G., Ulu, N. (2009). Gebelikte anormal vajinal akıntı üzerine etkili risk faktörleri. Tıp Araştırmaları Dergisi, 7(2), 79 - 86.