Oftalmik rejiyonal anestezide pediyatrik epidural kateter kullanımı: Kadavra çalışması
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Oftalmik rejiyonal anestezi, günübirlik cerrahi uygulanmasına olanak sağlaması, ameliyat sırasında hasta ile kooperasyonun devam etmesi ve özellikle yandaş hastalığı olan geriyalrik hasta grubunda sistemik etkilerinin azlığı nedeni ile tercih edilmektedir. Günümüzde yaygın olarak kullanılan rejiyonal anestezi teknikleri olan retrobulbar ve peribulbar blok uygulaması sırasında çok ince iğne kullanımına bağlı olarak perforasyon ve intraorbital kanama gibi ciddi komplikasyonlar görülebilmektedir. Komplikasyon olasılığı enjeksiyon tekrarı ile artmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, pediyatrik epidural anestezi pratiğinde kullanılan iğne ve kateterin oftalmik rejiyonal anestezideki etkinliği kadavra çalışması ile belirlenmeye çalışıldı. Çalışma, orbitofasyal bölgede herhangi bir patolojisi olmayan beş kadavrada (ölüm yaşları 67-83) planlandı. Tuohy iğnesi ile orbitalara bilateral, peribulbar anestezi tekniğine uygun olarak girildi. Kateter yerleştirildi. Her bir orbita için 4 mL radyoopak madde verildi. Orbitaların tomografık kesitleri alındı. İnce disseksiyon ile uygulamanın orbita içi dokulara etkisi belirlendi. Tomografık kesitlerin radyolojik görünümleri radyoopak maddenin homojen dağılım gösterdiğini belirledi. Disseksiyon sırasında glob veya periorbital dokularda herhangi bir doku hasarına rastlanmadı. Pediyatrik rejiyonal anestezi pratiğinde kullanılan iğne ve kateterin oftalmik rejiyonal anestezide kullanılabileceği kanısına varıldı. Steril set olarak bulunması, kateterin uzun süren operasyonlarda reenjeksiyon olasılığını ortadan kaldırması, iğne üzerinde fazla ilerlemeyi önleyecek belirteçlerin bulunması ve aynı amaçla kullanılan irrigasyon kanülünden daha ince olması üstünlükleri arasında sayılabilir.
Regional anaesthesia is preferred in ophthalmic surgery in that it allows day-case procedures, cooperation with the patient and that it has fewer systemic effects especially in geriatric patients with accompanying disease. Serious complications such as perforation and intraorbital hemorrhage may, occur due to use of very fine needles during retrobulbar and peribulbar block, which are frequently used in regional anaesthesia techniques at present. In this cadaver study, we investigated the efficacy of the needle and the catheter used in practice of pediatric epidural anaesthesia in ophthalmic regional anaesthesia. The study was performed on five cadavers without any pathology in orbito-facial region (age at death was between 67 and 83 years). Orbits were entered by using Tuohy needle in accordance with peribulbar anaesthesia and a catheter was placed. Each orbit was administered 4 ml radioopaque medium. CT scanning of orbits was performed. The effect of fine dissection on intraorbital tissues was determined. CT scanning showed homogenous distribution of radioopaque medium. No damage to globe or periorbital tissues was observed during dissection. It was concluded that the needle and the catheter used in practice of pediatric regional anaesthesia can be used in ophthalmic regional anaesthesia. They have the advantages that they are available as sterile sets, the catheter obviates the need for reinjection following prolonged operations, there are markings on the needle, preventing further progression into tissues, and that it is finer than irrigation cannula used for the same purpose.
Regional anaesthesia is preferred in ophthalmic surgery in that it allows day-case procedures, cooperation with the patient and that it has fewer systemic effects especially in geriatric patients with accompanying disease. Serious complications such as perforation and intraorbital hemorrhage may, occur due to use of very fine needles during retrobulbar and peribulbar block, which are frequently used in regional anaesthesia techniques at present. In this cadaver study, we investigated the efficacy of the needle and the catheter used in practice of pediatric epidural anaesthesia in ophthalmic regional anaesthesia. The study was performed on five cadavers without any pathology in orbito-facial region (age at death was between 67 and 83 years). Orbits were entered by using Tuohy needle in accordance with peribulbar anaesthesia and a catheter was placed. Each orbit was administered 4 ml radioopaque medium. CT scanning of orbits was performed. The effect of fine dissection on intraorbital tissues was determined. CT scanning showed homogenous distribution of radioopaque medium. No damage to globe or periorbital tissues was observed during dissection. It was concluded that the needle and the catheter used in practice of pediatric regional anaesthesia can be used in ophthalmic regional anaesthesia. They have the advantages that they are available as sterile sets, the catheter obviates the need for reinjection following prolonged operations, there are markings on the needle, preventing further progression into tissues, and that it is finer than irrigation cannula used for the same purpose.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Anestezi, Acil Tıp
Türk Pediatri Arşivi
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
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