Postural balance in women with osteoporosis and effective factors
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Amaç: Osteoporozlu hastalarda düşme sonucu oluşan kemik fraktürleri mortalite ve morbiditenin en sık nedenidir.Düşme riskiyle ilişkili faktörler arasında zayıf postural denge ve kas kuvvetsizliği de bulunmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı osteoporotik kadın hastalarda postural dinamik dengeyi değerlendirmek ve denge üzerine etkili faktörleri araştırmaktır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Çalışmaya osteoporozlu 50, osteoporoz ve kifozlu 20 ve sağlıklı 30 hasta alındı.Biodeks stabilite sistem ile antero-posterior( AP), mediolateral(ML) ve genel(OA) stabilite indeksleri değerlendirildi. Hastalar göz açık ve göz kapalı olarak test edildi. 60-180-300°/ sn açısal hızlarda quadriceps-hamstring kas güçlerinin ölçümleri izokinetik sistemle yapıldı. Bulgular: Göz açık OA,AP,ML değerleri osteoporozlu hastalarda anlamlı olarak yüksek bulundu.Tüm osteoporoz hastaları arasında korelasyon analizi yapıldığında denge stabilite indeksleriyle 60 °/sn açısal hızdaki diz fleksiyon ve ekstansiyonu ve 300°/sn açısal hızdaki diz fleksiyonu kas kuvvetleri arasında negatif anlamlı bir ilişki saptandı.Multivariable regresyon analizinde 60 °/sn açısal hızdaki quadriceps kas gücünün osteoporoz hastalarında denge ile en fazla ilişkili faktör olduğu saptandı. Sonuç: Sağlıklı kadınlara göre osteoporotik kadınlarda postural denge önemli derecede bozulmuştur ve dengeyi etkileyen en önemli faktör quadriceps kas gücüdür. Bu yüzden osteoporotik kadınlarda düşmeleri önlemek için denge ve quadriceps kuvvetlendirme egzersizlerine önem verilmelidir. (Türk Os te opo roz Dergisi 2011;17:37-43)
Introduction: The most common cause of mortality and morbidity among osteoporotic individuals is bone fracture which in many cases is a direct result of falls. Individual factors contributing to the risk of fall are poor postural balance and lack of muscle strength. Our aims were to assess postural dynamic balance in osteoporotic women and to describe the effective factors on the balance performance. Methods: Twenty osteoporotic women with kyphosis, 50 osteoporotic women without kyphosis, and 30 healthy women were included in the study. Anterior/Posterior (AP), Medial/Lateral (ML) and Overall (OA) stability indices were obtained using Biodex Stability System (Biodex Medical System, Shirley, NY). Subjects were tested both with eyes open and eyes closed. Quadriceps-hamstring muscles’ strength were measured with isokinetic system at angular speeds of 60-180-300°/sec. Results: OA, AP, ML stability indices in the group with osteoporosis were found to be statistically significantly higher in the open-eyed balance test. When a correlation analysis was performed on all osteoporotic patients, a negative correlation was detected between balance stability indices and knee flexion-extension strength at 60°/sec and knee flexion strength at 300°/sec. Multivariable regression analysis revealed knee extension strength at 60°/sec to be the most effective factor contributing to balance in osteoporotic patients. Conclusion: Postural balance in osteoporotic women presenting is significantly worse than in the healthy women and the factor exerting the greatest influence on balance is quadriceps muscle strength. Therefore, particular importance must be given to balance and quadriceps strengthening exercises in order to prevent falls in osteoporotic patients. (Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis 2011;17:37-43)
Introduction: The most common cause of mortality and morbidity among osteoporotic individuals is bone fracture which in many cases is a direct result of falls. Individual factors contributing to the risk of fall are poor postural balance and lack of muscle strength. Our aims were to assess postural dynamic balance in osteoporotic women and to describe the effective factors on the balance performance. Methods: Twenty osteoporotic women with kyphosis, 50 osteoporotic women without kyphosis, and 30 healthy women were included in the study. Anterior/Posterior (AP), Medial/Lateral (ML) and Overall (OA) stability indices were obtained using Biodex Stability System (Biodex Medical System, Shirley, NY). Subjects were tested both with eyes open and eyes closed. Quadriceps-hamstring muscles’ strength were measured with isokinetic system at angular speeds of 60-180-300°/sec. Results: OA, AP, ML stability indices in the group with osteoporosis were found to be statistically significantly higher in the open-eyed balance test. When a correlation analysis was performed on all osteoporotic patients, a negative correlation was detected between balance stability indices and knee flexion-extension strength at 60°/sec and knee flexion strength at 300°/sec. Multivariable regression analysis revealed knee extension strength at 60°/sec to be the most effective factor contributing to balance in osteoporotic patients. Conclusion: Postural balance in osteoporotic women presenting is significantly worse than in the healthy women and the factor exerting the greatest influence on balance is quadriceps muscle strength. Therefore, particular importance must be given to balance and quadriceps strengthening exercises in order to prevent falls in osteoporotic patients. (Turkish Journal of Osteoporosis 2011;17:37-43)
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi
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Ünlüsoy D., Aydoğ E., Tuncay R., Eryüksel R., Ünlüsoy İ., Çakcı A. (2011). Postural balance in women with osteoporosis and effective factors. Türk Osteoporoz Dergisi, 17(2), 37 - 43.