Bir Irkçılık Söylemi: Hâcerizm
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Târih boyunca her toplum için hem önder hem de rehber kabul edilen peygamberler gönderilmiştir. İslâm, Yahudilik ve Hıristiyanlık dinlerinin ortak isimlerinden biri olan İbrâhim, hem Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’de hem de İncil ve Tevrat gibi diğer kutsal kitaplarda hakkında en fazla malumât bulunan peygamberdir. İslâm dininin ulu’l-azm olarak kabul ettiği İbrâhim’in yaşadığı coğrafya ve aile hayatı üç dini de yakından ilgilendirmesi yönüyle pek çok araştırmacının ve din bilimcinin ilgi alanına girmiştir. Bu bağlamda İbrâhim ile beraber Hâcer, Sâre, İsmâil ve İshâk ön plana çıkan diğer isimler olmuştur. İlâhi dinlerin menşei noktasında önemli rol oynayan bu isimlerden Hâcer ve ona nispetle ortaya atılan bir söylem olan Hâcerizm (Hagarism) Batı’da özellikle 1977 yılından itibaren popüler olmaya başlamış ve manipülatif bir yöntem ile İslâm aleyhine kullanılmıştır. Özellikle dini araştırmalar yapanların ilgisini çeken ve üzerinde pek çok yazı kaleme alınan Hacerizm’in ülkemizde pek fazla bilinmemesini dikkate alarak bu çalışmada Hâcerizm’in nasıl ve neden doğduğu ile tarihi gelişimi ele alınmıştır.
Throughout the history, prophets have been sent for each community, both leaders and guides. Ibrahim, one of the common names of the religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, is a prophet with the greatest knowledge about both the Qur'an and other holy books. The geography and family life of Ibrahim, which Islamic religion regards as ulu'l-azm, has attracted the interests of many researchers with its close interest in three religions. In this context, along with Abraham, Hagar, Sarah, Samuel and Isaac became other names that came to foreground. Hâgar and Hagarism, which is a rhetoric that has been introduced in relation to these names, played an important role in the point of origin of the three Semitic religions, has been popular in the West especially since 1977 and has been used against Islam with a manipulative method. Hagarism which attracts the attention of those who work on religions and has wrote many articles on it. In this work, we tried to deal with the way in which our country was rise and how and why it was evolved.
Throughout the history, prophets have been sent for each community, both leaders and guides. Ibrahim, one of the common names of the religions of Islam, Judaism and Christianity, is a prophet with the greatest knowledge about both the Qur'an and other holy books. The geography and family life of Ibrahim, which Islamic religion regards as ulu'l-azm, has attracted the interests of many researchers with its close interest in three religions. In this context, along with Abraham, Hagar, Sarah, Samuel and Isaac became other names that came to foreground. Hâgar and Hagarism, which is a rhetoric that has been introduced in relation to these names, played an important role in the point of origin of the three Semitic religions, has been popular in the West especially since 1977 and has been used against Islam with a manipulative method. Hagarism which attracts the attention of those who work on religions and has wrote many articles on it. In this work, we tried to deal with the way in which our country was rise and how and why it was evolved.
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Uçar İ. (2019). Bir Irkçılık Söylemi: Hâcerizm. Amasya ilahiyat dergisi, 0(12), 357 - 372.