Farklı Çimento ile Üretilen Granül Atık Kauçuk Agregaların İkame Edilmiş Kendiliğinden Yerleşen Beton Harcının Mekanik Özelliklerinin İncelenmesi
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Kırıkkale Üniversitesi
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Atık araç lastiklerinin depolanma ya da imha süreci zor, maliyetli ve zaman isteyen bir süreçtir. İmha edilme sürecinde kimyasal yapısı nedeni ile çevreye kirletici gazların salınımına sebep olan atık lastikler, gelişen ve ilerleyen teknoloji ile alternatif ürün bağlamında önemli bir geri dönüşüm malzemesi olarak değerlendirilmektir. Atık araç lastikleri parçalanma aşaması sonrası belirli boyutlarda granül haline getirilmekte ve farklı birçok alanda üretime tekrar kazandırılmaktadır. Bu deneysel çalışma ile, Öğütülmüş Araç Lastiği Agregasının (ÖALA) 5 farklı oranda ince agregaya ikame edilerek, iki farklı çimento türü ile hazırlanan toplamda 12 farklı Kendiliğinden Yerleşen Harç (KYH) numunelerinin taze ve sertleşmiş özelliklerinin incelenmesi amaçlanmıştır. EFNARC’e uygun hazırlanan taze KYH numunelerin işlenebilirlik özelliklerinin değerlendirilmesi mini yayılma ve mini V-hunisi deneyleriyle yapılmıştır. Sertleştirilmiş KYH'nin mekanik özelliklerini belirlemek için 40x40x160mm boyutlarında prizmatik numunelerin 3., 7. ve 28. günlerinde basınç ve üç noktalı bükme testleri yapılmış ve 28. gün 50x50x50mm kübik numuneler üzerinde kılcal su emme testi yapılmıştır. CEM-V 42.5R ve CEM-V 32.5R çimento ile üretilen KYH karışımlarında ÖALA’nın optimum kullanılabilirlik oranı grafikler ve tablolar aracılığı ile yorumlanmıştır. Bu çalışma ile KYH karışımında ÖALA oranı arttığında, kılcal su emme miktarının arttığı, basınç ve eğilme kuvvetlerinin azaldığı görülmüştür.
Storage or disposal of waste vehicle tires is difficult, costly and time consuming. Waste tires, which cause the release of pollutant gases to the environment due to its chemical structure in the process of destruction, are considered as an important recycling material in the context of developing and advancing technology and alternative products. Waste vehicle tires are granulated in certain sizes after the disintegration phase and reused in many different fields.With this experimental study, it is aimed to examine the fresh and hardened properties of 12 different self- setting mortar (SSM) samples of Ground Vehicle Tire Aggregates (GVTA), which are substituted with 5 different fine aggregates and prepared with two different cement types. The evaluation of the workability properties of fresh SLM samples prepared in accordance with EFNARC was done with mini spreading and mini V-hopper experiments. In order to determine the mechanical properties of the hardened SSM, pressure and three-point bending tests were performed on the 3rd, 7th and 28th days of prismatic samples in 40x40x160mm dimensions, and capillary water absorption test is carried out on cubic samples in 50x50x50 mm dimesions on the 28th day. The optimum usability rate of GVTA in SSM mixtures produced separately with CEM-V 42.5R and CEM-V 32.5R cement is interpreted through graphs and tables. With this study, it was observed that when the rate of GVTA was increased in the SSM mixture, the capillary water absorption amount increased, while the pressure and bending strengths decreased
Storage or disposal of waste vehicle tires is difficult, costly and time consuming. Waste tires, which cause the release of pollutant gases to the environment due to its chemical structure in the process of destruction, are considered as an important recycling material in the context of developing and advancing technology and alternative products. Waste vehicle tires are granulated in certain sizes after the disintegration phase and reused in many different fields.With this experimental study, it is aimed to examine the fresh and hardened properties of 12 different self- setting mortar (SSM) samples of Ground Vehicle Tire Aggregates (GVTA), which are substituted with 5 different fine aggregates and prepared with two different cement types. The evaluation of the workability properties of fresh SLM samples prepared in accordance with EFNARC was done with mini spreading and mini V-hopper experiments. In order to determine the mechanical properties of the hardened SSM, pressure and three-point bending tests were performed on the 3rd, 7th and 28th days of prismatic samples in 40x40x160mm dimensions, and capillary water absorption test is carried out on cubic samples in 50x50x50 mm dimesions on the 28th day. The optimum usability rate of GVTA in SSM mixtures produced separately with CEM-V 42.5R and CEM-V 32.5R cement is interpreted through graphs and tables. With this study, it was observed that when the rate of GVTA was increased in the SSM mixture, the capillary water absorption amount increased, while the pressure and bending strengths decreased
Anahtar Kelimeler
Kendiliğinden yerleşen harç, öğütülmüş atık lastik agregası, su emme, Self-setting mortar, ground waste rubber aggregates, Civil Engineering
Uluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi
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