Effect of psychological on respiratory symptoms
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Amaç: Psikolojik durumun solunum semptomu bildirmeye ve solunum sisteminin objektif ölçümlerine etkisinin olup olmadığını araştırdık. Materyal ve Metotlar: Çalışmaya silah fabrikasında çalışan 1090 erkek işçi ve biomasse maruz kalan 420 kadın alındı. Olgular respiratuar sorgulama formu ile sorgulanarak portable spirometre cihazı ile solunum fonksiyonları ölçüldü.Psikolojik durum HAD scalası ile ölçülerek ;median değere göre yüksek ve düşük HAD total skorlu gruplar olarak sınıflandırıldılar. Bulgular: Erkeklerde: Kronik öksürük (%17,6 vs %10,7 p0,001), Kronik balgam (13,2% vs.8,9%, p0,02) ve muhtemel astım (%39,5 vs %25,5, p0,0001) yüksek HAD total skorlu grupta düşük HAD total skorlu grupa göre önemli olarak daha sık bulunurken kesin astım (%6,2 vs %4,6, p0,2) için gruplar arasında fark yoktu. Kadınlarda: Kronik öksürük (%34,8 vs %23,5 p0,009), kronik balgam (%23,9 vs. %15,4, p0,02) ve muhtemel astım (%53,5 vs %35,3, p0,0001) yüksek HAD total skorlu grupta düşük HAD total skorlu grupa göre önemli olarak daha sık bulunurken kesin astım (%7,0 vs %9,0, p0,4) için gruplar arasında fark yoktu. Sonuç: Respiratuar sorgulamada semptom bildirme sıklığı psikolojik durumdan etkilenebilir.Respiratuar sorgulama ve psikolojik durum göstergeleri eşzamanlı olarak yorumlanmalıdır.
Objective: To investigate whether psychological status "affects respiratory "• symptom reporting and objective measures of the respiratory system. Materials and Methods: This study was performed in 1090 male gun factory workers and in 420 women exposed to biomass. The subjects were questioned using a Respiratory questionnaire. Respiratory functions were measured by portable spirometer. Psychological status was measured by HAD scale. Groups with high HAD total scores and low HAD total scores were classified by the median value. Results: In males: Chronic cough (17.6% vs. 10.7% p0.001), chronic problem (13.2% vs. 8.9%, p0.02), and probable asthma (39.5% vs. 25.5%, p0.0001) were significantly more frequent in the group with high HAD total scores than in the group with low HAD total scores but definite, asthma was not (6.2% vs. 4.6%, p0.2). In women: Chronic cough (34.8% vs. 23.5% p0.009), chronic cough (23.9% vs. 15.4%, p0.02), and probable asthma (53.5% vs. 35.3%, p0.0001) were significantly more frequent in the group with high HAD total scores than in the group with low HAD total scores but definite was not (7.0% vs. 9.0%, p0.4). Conclusion: Psychological status might affect the frequency of symptom reporting in respiratory questionnaires. The questionnaires and psychological status indices should be interpreted simultaneously.
Objective: To investigate whether psychological status "affects respiratory "• symptom reporting and objective measures of the respiratory system. Materials and Methods: This study was performed in 1090 male gun factory workers and in 420 women exposed to biomass. The subjects were questioned using a Respiratory questionnaire. Respiratory functions were measured by portable spirometer. Psychological status was measured by HAD scale. Groups with high HAD total scores and low HAD total scores were classified by the median value. Results: In males: Chronic cough (17.6% vs. 10.7% p0.001), chronic problem (13.2% vs. 8.9%, p0.02), and probable asthma (39.5% vs. 25.5%, p0.0001) were significantly more frequent in the group with high HAD total scores than in the group with low HAD total scores but definite, asthma was not (6.2% vs. 4.6%, p0.2). In women: Chronic cough (34.8% vs. 23.5% p0.009), chronic cough (23.9% vs. 15.4%, p0.02), and probable asthma (53.5% vs. 35.3%, p0.0001) were significantly more frequent in the group with high HAD total scores than in the group with low HAD total scores but definite was not (7.0% vs. 9.0%, p0.4). Conclusion: Psychological status might affect the frequency of symptom reporting in respiratory questionnaires. The questionnaires and psychological status indices should be interpreted simultaneously.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Gazi Medical Journal
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Ekici, A., Oğuztürk, Ö., Ekici, M., Kurtipek, E., Akın, A., Arslan, M., Kara, T., Koçyiğit, P., Karlıdağ, A., Tunçkol, M. (2005). Effect of psychological on respiratory symptoms. Gazi Medical Journal, 16(3), 107 - 110.