Eğitim Bilimleri Nelerdir ve Nerelerde Bulunur? Yükseköğretim Kurulu'nun Eğitim Fakültelerinin Yapısında Gerçekleştirdiği Değişikliklere İlişkin Eleştirel Bir Analiz
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Bu çalışmada, Yükseköğretim Kurulu tarafından 2016 yılında gerçekleştirilen düzenlemeden yola çıkılarak eğitim fakültelerinin yapılanması ve eğitim bilimlerinin neliğinin tartışılması amaçlanmıştır. Söz konusu tartışma, eğitimin bilime dönüşme süreci bağlamında yapılmıştır. Bu doğrultuda, alanyazındaki kuramsal yaklaşımlara dayalı olarak eğitim fakültelerindeki yeniden yapılanma, ders programları ve kitaplarında eğitim bilimlerinin yer alış tarzları, genel olarak eğitim alanında yürütülen araştırmaların eğitim bilimlerine dağılımları gibi ölçütler göz önünde bulundurularak genel bir değerlendirme yapılmıştır. YÖK'ün bütün üniversiteleri ve eğitim fakültelerini kapsayan bu düzenlemesinin tektipleştiriciliği önemli bir sorun olarak dikkat çekmektedir. Aynı zamanda eğitimin bir bilimsel alana dönüşme sürecine ilişkin mirastan daha çok güncel sorunların ve gelişmelerin söz konusu düzenlemeyi biçimlendirdiği görülmektedir. Bu durum düzenlemenin kalıcılığı konusunda da belirsizlikleri beraberinde getirmektedir. Gerek eğitim bilimleri bölümündeki ana bilim dallarına ve gerekse eğitim fakülteleri için önerilen bölümlere bakıldığında eğitimin bilim olarak kapsamına ve alt dallarına ilişkin tutarlı bir bakış açısını yansıtmaktan çok güncel sorun ve değişimlerden hareketle revize edilmesi anlayışının ağırlık kazandığı söylenebilir. Dolayısıyla eğitim fakültelerinin yapılanmasına ilişkin olarak var olan akademik ve bilimsel sorunlar varlığını sürdürmektedir.
Taking the CoHE's 2016 arrangement into consideration, this paper aims to discuss the reorganization of education faculties and the what-ness of education sciences. The discussion was carried out such a way to address the transformation of the field of education into science. Accordingly, based on theoretical approaches in the relevant literature, a general evaluation was made considering such criteria as the reorganization of education faculties, the coverage of education sciences by curriculum programs and textbooks, and the breakdown of education-related general researches among education sciences. The standardizing effect of the CoHE's arrangement that covers all universities and education faculties stands out as an important problem. It is also seen that day-to-day problems and developments rather than the heritage related to the transformation of education into a scientific field have become more effective in the formation of the reorganization in question. This brings with it also a number of uncertainties regarding the permanence of this arrangement. When we look at both main fields of studies in departments of education science and departments suggested for education faculties as part of the CoHE's reorganization move, it can be concluded that an approach of reorganizing rooted in day-to-day problems and changes rather than offering a coherent standpoint on the scope of education as a science and its sub-branches has taken precedence over everything else. Thus, academic and scientific problems concerning the reorganization of education faculties still remain to be solved. Overcoming these problems will be possible by way of enriching theoretical inquiries on the nature and scope of educational sciences.
Taking the CoHE's 2016 arrangement into consideration, this paper aims to discuss the reorganization of education faculties and the what-ness of education sciences. The discussion was carried out such a way to address the transformation of the field of education into science. Accordingly, based on theoretical approaches in the relevant literature, a general evaluation was made considering such criteria as the reorganization of education faculties, the coverage of education sciences by curriculum programs and textbooks, and the breakdown of education-related general researches among education sciences. The standardizing effect of the CoHE's arrangement that covers all universities and education faculties stands out as an important problem. It is also seen that day-to-day problems and developments rather than the heritage related to the transformation of education into a scientific field have become more effective in the formation of the reorganization in question. This brings with it also a number of uncertainties regarding the permanence of this arrangement. When we look at both main fields of studies in departments of education science and departments suggested for education faculties as part of the CoHE's reorganization move, it can be concluded that an approach of reorganizing rooted in day-to-day problems and changes rather than offering a coherent standpoint on the scope of education as a science and its sub-branches has taken precedence over everything else. Thus, academic and scientific problems concerning the reorganization of education faculties still remain to be solved. Overcoming these problems will be possible by way of enriching theoretical inquiries on the nature and scope of educational sciences.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Eğitim, Eğitim Araştırmaları
Akdeniz Eğitim Araştırmaları Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri