Cem I, Cem IIIa ve Borlu Çimento Harçları Üzerine Farklı Agresif Koşulların Etkisi
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Bu çalışmada deniz suyu ve amonyum nitrat gibi farklı etkilere maruz kalmış çimento harçlarının direnci araştırılmıştır. Borlu, CEM I ve CEM III/A çimentoları kullanılarak çimento harç numuneleri hazırlanmıştır. Çimento harçlarının genleşme değerlerini belirlemek için 25 x 25 x 285 mm boyutunda harç çubukları, basınç dayanımları için 40x40x160 mm boyutunda prizmalar üretilmiştir. Harç numuneleri %5'lik amonyum nitrat çözeltisi, içme ve deniz suyu olmak üzere üç farklı koşulda, 203 ºC sıcaklıkta 2, 7, 14, 28 ve 90 gün süreyle bekletilmiştir. Tüm ortam koşulları ve yaşlarda en düşük genleşme CEM III/A çimentolu harçlarda bulunmuş, hem deniz suyu ve hem de amonyum nitratlı ortamlara karşı CEM III/A çimentolu harçların daha yüksek direnç sağladığı gözlenmiştir.
This study investigates the sea water and ammonium nitrate resistance of cement mortars when subjected to different exposure conditions. Cement mortar samples were prepared using Boron, CEM I and CEM III/A cements. Mortar specimens were stored under three different conditions: continuous curing in lime-saturated tab water, continuous exposure to sea water, and continuous exposure to 5% ammonium nitrate solution (AN), at a temperature of 20±3 ºC, for 2, 7, 14, 28 and 90 days. Prisms with dimensions of 25x25x285 mm, to determine the expansions of the mortar samples; and another set of prisms with dimensions of 40x40x160 mm, were prepared to calculate the compressive strength of the samples. For all environmental conditions and ages, the lowest expansion is found for CEM III/A cement mortars. It has been observed that CEM III/A cement mortars have the highest resistance for both sea water and environments with ammonium nitrate.
This study investigates the sea water and ammonium nitrate resistance of cement mortars when subjected to different exposure conditions. Cement mortar samples were prepared using Boron, CEM I and CEM III/A cements. Mortar specimens were stored under three different conditions: continuous curing in lime-saturated tab water, continuous exposure to sea water, and continuous exposure to 5% ammonium nitrate solution (AN), at a temperature of 20±3 ºC, for 2, 7, 14, 28 and 90 days. Prisms with dimensions of 25x25x285 mm, to determine the expansions of the mortar samples; and another set of prisms with dimensions of 40x40x160 mm, were prepared to calculate the compressive strength of the samples. For all environmental conditions and ages, the lowest expansion is found for CEM III/A cement mortars. It has been observed that CEM III/A cement mortars have the highest resistance for both sea water and environments with ammonium nitrate.
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Politeknik Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Yaprak, H., Demir, İ., Kaplan, G. (2014). Cem I, Cem IIIa ve Borlu Çimento Harçları Üzerine Farklı Agresif Koşulların Etkisi. Politeknik Dergisi, 17(1), 9 - 12.