PRM Path Smoothening by Circular Arc Fillet Method for Mobile Robot Navigation

dc.contributor.authorKılıçarslan Ouach, Meral
dc.contributor.authorEren, Tolga
dc.contributor.authorÖzcan, Evrencan
dc.description.abstractThe problem of motion planning and navigation for mobile robots in complex environments has been a central issue in robotics. Navigating these environments requires sophisticated algorithms that handle obstacles and provide smooth, efficient paths. The Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) method is a widespread technique in robotics for constructing paths for mobile robot navigation. In this study, we propose a novel path-smoothing method using arc fillets for path planning, building on PRM's foundation in the presence of obstacles. Our method operates in two primary stages to improve path efficiency and quality. The first stage generates the shortest path between the initial and goal states in an obstacle-rich environment using PRM, constructing a straight-line, collision-free route. The second stage smooths corners caused by nodes with arc fillets, ensuring smooth turns and minimizing abrupt changes in direction, resulting in more natural and efficient robot motion. We conducted simulations and tests using various PRM features to evaluate the proposed method. The results indicate that the built route offers a smooth turning motion and quicker, more compact movement while evading obstacles. This study contributes to mobile robot navigation by offering a practical approach to improving pathway quality in challenging environments.
dc.description.abstractThe problem of motion planning and navigation for mobile robots in complex environments has been a central issue in robotics. Navigating these environments requires sophisticated algorithms that handle obstacles and provide smooth, efficient paths. The Probabilistic Roadmap (PRM) method is a widespread technique in robotics for constructing paths for mobile robot navigation. In this study, we propose a novel path-smoothing method using arc fillets for path planning, building on PRM's foundation in the presence of obstacles. Our method operates in two primary stages to improve path efficiency and quality. The first stage generates the shortest path between the initial and goal states in an obstacle-rich environment using PRM, constructing a straight-line, collision-free route. The second stage smooths corners caused by nodes with arc fillets, ensuring smooth turns and minimizing abrupt changes in direction, resulting in more natural and efficient robot motion. We conducted simulations and tests using various PRM features to evaluate the proposed method. The results indicate that the built route offers a smooth turning motion and quicker, more compact movement while evading obstacles. This study contributes to mobile robot navigation by offering a practical approach to improving pathway quality in challenging environments.
dc.publisherKırıkkale Üniversitesi
dc.relation.ispartofUluslararası Mühendislik Araştırma ve Geliştirme Dergisi
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Ulusal Hakemli Dergi
dc.subjectProbabilistic Roadmap Method (PRM) planner
dc.subjectPath smoothening
dc.subjectArc fillet method
dc.subjectProbabilistic Roadmap Method (PRM) planner
dc.subjectPath smoothening
dc.subjectArc fillet method
dc.subjectElectrical Engineering
dc.titlePRM Path Smoothening by Circular Arc Fillet Method for Mobile Robot Navigation
dc.title.alternativeMobil Robot Navigasyonu için Dairesel Kavis Dolgu Yöntemiyle PRM Yol Yumuşatma
