Özel Gereksinimli Bireylerin Fiziksel Aktivite Programlarına Katılımlarını Engelleyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesi
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Bu araştırma; Özel Gereksinimli (ÖG) bireylerin fiziksel aktivite programlarına katılımlarını engelleyen faktörlerin incelenmesi amacıyla yapılmıştır. Fiziksel aktiviteye katılıma engel olan faktörleri anlamak ve ortadan kaldırmak, bireylerin fiziksel aktiviteye katılımını teşvik ederek etkin müdahaleler tasarlamak için önemlidir. Konu ile ilgili bilimsel çalışmalar, tarih sınırlaması yapılmaksızın literatür taranarak derlenmiştir. Tarama, üç temel kavram ve bunların eşanlamlı kelimeleriyle yapılmıştır. Bu temel kavramlar; fiziksel aktivite, engel (bariyer) ve engelliliktir. Ayrıca, elde edilen çalışmaların kaynakça listeleri taranarak ilgili çalışmalara ulaşılmıştır. Tarama sonucu konu ile ilgili 26 makale, üç tez çalışması tespit edilmiş olup ÖG bireylerle birlikte, bu bireylerin aileleri, bakıcıları, antrenör ve beden eğitimi öğretmenleri ile yapılan çalışmalar araştırmaya dahil edilmiştir. Yurt dışında 27 bilimsel çalışma yapılırken, ülkemizde iki bilimsel çalışma yapıldığı tespit edilmiştir. Araştırma sonucunda 44 engel belirlenmiş, bu engeller dört alt başlığa ayrılmıştır. Bunlar; kişisel, sosyal, çevresel ve diğer engellerdir. ÖG bireylerin fiziksel aktivite yapmalarını en fazla engelleyen faktörler: Diğer engeller başlığı altında yer alan "ekonomik faktörler" (ulaşım ücreti, ekipman ücreti vb.) 14 çalışmada; çevresel engeller başlığı altında yer alan "ulaşım" engeli 10 çalışmada rapor edilmiştir. Çalışmayla belirlenen engeller ilgili kişi ve kuruluşlar tarafından ortadan kaldırılarak, ÖG bireylerin daha kolay ve verimli olarak fiziksel aktiviteye katılmalarının sağlanabileceği sonucuna ulaşılmıştır
This research was conducted to invesitigation of the barrier factors of participation in physical activity programs of Individuals with Special Needs (SNI). Understanding the factors that barriers participation in physical activity is important to design effective interventions by encouraging individual participation in physical activity. The study was was conducted by using a screening model to collect information on the subject. It was scanned to determine the studies related to the subject and no date limitation was made during the scan. Strategy for each database has been developed three main concepts and their synonyms. These basic concepts are physical activity, barrier and disability. Also, reference lists of the obtained studies were searched and relevant studies. Twenty six articles related to the topic of the screening, three theses studies have been determined and included together with individuals SNI whose families, carers, trainers and physical education teachers. It has been determined that only one study has been conducted on this topic in the study. While 27 scientific studies were conducted abroad, two scientific studies were conducted in our country. As a result of the research, 44 barriers were determined and this barriers was divided into four subtitles. These: Individual, Social, Environmental and Other barriers. “Economic factors” barriers (transportation fee, equipment fee, etc.) is located under the title of other barriers 14, under the title of environmental barrier, “transportation” is located 10 studies. It has been achieved as a result that the barrier determined by the study can be removed by the related persons and organizations to enable SNI individuals to participate in more easy and more efficient physical activity
This research was conducted to invesitigation of the barrier factors of participation in physical activity programs of Individuals with Special Needs (SNI). Understanding the factors that barriers participation in physical activity is important to design effective interventions by encouraging individual participation in physical activity. The study was was conducted by using a screening model to collect information on the subject. It was scanned to determine the studies related to the subject and no date limitation was made during the scan. Strategy for each database has been developed three main concepts and their synonyms. These basic concepts are physical activity, barrier and disability. Also, reference lists of the obtained studies were searched and relevant studies. Twenty six articles related to the topic of the screening, three theses studies have been determined and included together with individuals SNI whose families, carers, trainers and physical education teachers. It has been determined that only one study has been conducted on this topic in the study. While 27 scientific studies were conducted abroad, two scientific studies were conducted in our country. As a result of the research, 44 barriers were determined and this barriers was divided into four subtitles. These: Individual, Social, Environmental and Other barriers. “Economic factors” barriers (transportation fee, equipment fee, etc.) is located under the title of other barriers 14, under the title of environmental barrier, “transportation” is located 10 studies. It has been achieved as a result that the barrier determined by the study can be removed by the related persons and organizations to enable SNI individuals to participate in more easy and more efficient physical activity
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Orhan R. (2017). Özel Gereksinimli Bireylerin Fiziksel Aktivite Programlarına Katılımlarını Engelleyen Faktörlerin İncelenmesi. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 12(25), 149 - 168.