Kullanıcı Perspektifli Çok Kriterli Karar Verme ile Elektrikli Araçlarda Batarya Seçimi
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Geleneksel araçlar, iyi performans ve uzun menzil sağlamak için petrol ve türevi yakıtlardan yararlanmaktadır. Aynı zamanda bu araçlar, çevre kirliliğine sebep olması ve tükenmek üzere olan fosil yakıtlar nedeniyle dezavantajlara sahiptirler. Bu sebeplerden dolayı, alternatif yakıtlı araç teknolojileri gelişmektedir. Günümüzde, geliştirilen batarya teknolojileri ile çevre dostu olan elektrikli araçlar yaygınlaşmaktadır. Ancak batarya teknolojileri, batarya ömrünün uzaması, deşarj oranı, nominal gerilim, spesifik enerji, dayanıklılık gibi özellikleri ile birbirinden farklılaşmakta ve çeşitlenmektedir. Bu çalışmada, enerji kaynağı olarak seçilecek olan batarya tipinin seçimi, çok kriterli karar verme yöntemleri olan analitik hiyerarşi prosesi (AHP) ve MOORA yöntemleri kullanılarak kullanıcı perspektifi bakımından yapılmıştır. Elektrikli araçların ve kullanılan çeşitli bataryaların tanıtıldığı çalışmada, kullanılan yöntemlerin sonuçları karşılaştırılmış ve en iyi alternatif olarak Li-ion batarya türü seçilmiştir.
Traditional vehicles benefit from petroleum and derivative fuels to ensure good performance and long range. At the same time, they have disadvantages due to environmental pollution and fossil fuels that are about to run out. For these reasons, alternative fuel vehicle technologies are developing. Nowadays, electric vehicles are becoming more environmentally friendly with the developed battery Technologies. However, battery technologies are differentiated and diversified by their characteristics such as extended battery life, discharge rate, nominal voltage, specific energy and durability. In this study, the selection of the type of battery to be selected as the energy source is made in terms of user perspective by using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and MOORA methods which are multicriteria decision making methods. Electric vehicles and various batteries are introduced in the study, the results of the methods used are compared and Li-on battery type has been selected as the best alternative technology.
Traditional vehicles benefit from petroleum and derivative fuels to ensure good performance and long range. At the same time, they have disadvantages due to environmental pollution and fossil fuels that are about to run out. For these reasons, alternative fuel vehicle technologies are developing. Nowadays, electric vehicles are becoming more environmentally friendly with the developed battery Technologies. However, battery technologies are differentiated and diversified by their characteristics such as extended battery life, discharge rate, nominal voltage, specific energy and durability. In this study, the selection of the type of battery to be selected as the energy source is made in terms of user perspective by using analytical hierarchy process (AHP) and MOORA methods which are multicriteria decision making methods. Electric vehicles and various batteries are introduced in the study, the results of the methods used are compared and Li-on battery type has been selected as the best alternative technology.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Batarya seçimi, Elektrikli araçlar, AHP, MOORA, Electric vehicle, battery selection, AHP, MOORA, Industrial Engineering
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