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Anonim şirket genel kurulu, önceden ilân edilen belli bir gündemde toplanır ve karar alır. Böylece pay sahipleri genel kurulda hangi konuların görüşüleceğini en baştan bilir ve ona göre hazırlık yapar. Genel kurulda gündem dışında bir konu görüşülmek isteniyorsa, istisnalar bir yana, görüşülecek konunun belirlenmesi için oybirliğiyle karar almak gerekir. Genel kurul gündemiyle ilgili olarak, pay sahipleri açısından uygulamada yaşanan bir sorun vardır; gündemdeki bir konunun görüşülmemesi. Gerçekten de gündemde yer alan bir konunun görüşülmemesi de özellikle azlık haklarını olumsuz yönde etkileyebilir. Genel kurulun çoğunlukla vereceği bir kararla, gündemdeki bir maddeyi görüşmeyebileceğini kabul etmek de doğru değildir. Gündemde yer alan konular görüşülmeli, bunlar hakkında olumlu veya olumsuz bir karar alınmalıdır. Ancak esaslı bir nedenin varlığı hâlinde, bu nedenin tutanağa geçirilmesi şartıyla gündemdeki bir konunun görüşülmemesi mümkün olmalıdır.
A joint stock company general assembly convenes and takes resolutions on a certain agenda announced in advance. Thus, the shareholders know from the very beginning what topics will be discussed at the general assembly meeting, and they make preparations accordingly. If a topic not contained in the agenda is desired to be discussed at the general assembly meeting, it is necessary to take the relevant resolution unanimously in order to determine such topic that will be discussed, aside from the exceptions. In practice, there is a problem which is experienced with regard to shareholders in respect to the agenda of a general assembly meeting: Failure to discuss a topic contained in the agenda. So indeed, the failure to discuss a topic contained in the agenda could also adversely affect particularly minority rights. It is also improper to accept that it is possible for the general assembly not to discuss an item contained in the agenda, under a resolution that the general assembly will take by majority. The topics contained in the agenda should be discussed, and affirmative or negative resolutions should be taken about these topics. However, in case of the existence of an essential reason, it should be possible not to discuss a topic contained in the agenda, provided that this reason is recorded in the minutes.
A joint stock company general assembly convenes and takes resolutions on a certain agenda announced in advance. Thus, the shareholders know from the very beginning what topics will be discussed at the general assembly meeting, and they make preparations accordingly. If a topic not contained in the agenda is desired to be discussed at the general assembly meeting, it is necessary to take the relevant resolution unanimously in order to determine such topic that will be discussed, aside from the exceptions. In practice, there is a problem which is experienced with regard to shareholders in respect to the agenda of a general assembly meeting: Failure to discuss a topic contained in the agenda. So indeed, the failure to discuss a topic contained in the agenda could also adversely affect particularly minority rights. It is also improper to accept that it is possible for the general assembly not to discuss an item contained in the agenda, under a resolution that the general assembly will take by majority. The topics contained in the agenda should be discussed, and affirmative or negative resolutions should be taken about these topics. However, in case of the existence of an essential reason, it should be possible not to discuss a topic contained in the agenda, provided that this reason is recorded in the minutes.
Gündem, genel kurul toplantısı, gündeme bağlılık, zorunluluk ilkesi, genel kurul kararı, Agenda, general assembly meeting, adherence to the agenda, principle of necessity, general assembly resolution, Law in Context
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