Devlet Memurları Kanununda İstifa ve Öğretim Elemanlarının İstifasının Hukukî Neticeleri
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Anayasanın 48. maddesinde çalışma hürriyeti, 70. maddesinde de kamu hizmetlerine girme hakkı düzenlenmektedir.“Her Türk, kamu hizmetlerine girme hakkına sahiptir. Hizmete alınmada, görevin gerektirdiği niteliklerden başkahiçbir ayırım gözetilemez” (m.70). Öte yandan Anayasanın 18. maddesinde de zorla çalıştırma yasağı düzenlenmiştir.Bu düzenlemeye göre hiç kimse zorla çalıştırılamaz, angarya yasaktır.Zorla çalıştırılmak yasak olduğuna göre, bir memurun memurluktan istifa etmesi de bir hak olmalıdır. Nitekim DevletMemurları Kanunu’nun 20. maddesinde istifa bir hak olarak düzenlenmiştir. Düzenlemeye göre “Devlet memurları,bu kanunda belirtilen esaslara göre memurluktan çekilebilirler”.Kanun istifayı bir hak olarak düzenlemekle beraber, bazı kurallara tabi tutarak sınırlandırma yoluna da gitmiştir.Kamu hizmetlerinin devamlılığı ilkesinin zedelenmemesi için istifa hakkı da kanunla sınırlanması doğaldır. Bu bağlamda istifa edenlerin belli süre geçmeden yeniden memur olmaları yasaklanmıştır.Üniversitelerde görev yapan öğretim elemanları da devlet memuru statüsündedirler. Bunlar için de istifa bir haktır.Ancak diğer devlet memurlarından farklılıkları bulunduğundan, istifa için getirilen kısıtlamalar bakımından da farklılıkları bulunmaktadır.Bu makalede genel olarak istifa hakkı, istifa hakkının kullanılması esasları ve istifanın hukuki neticeleri üzerindedurulacaktır. Öğretim elemanlarının istifa hakkı ve hukuki neticeleri ayrıca ele alınacaktır.
Article 48 of the Constitution regulates the freedom to work and article 70 regulates the right to work in publicservices. “Every Turk has the right to work in public services. No distinction shall be made in the commissioning,other than the qualifications required by the task” (art.70). On the other hand, Article 18 of the Constitutionprohibits forced labor. According to this regulation, no one can be forced to work, drudgery is prohibited.Since forced labor is prohibited, it must also be a right for an officer to resign. As a matter of fact, resignation isregulated as a right in Article 20 of the Public Servants Act. According to the article, “public servants may withdrawfrom the public services according to the principles specified in this act”.Although the act regulates resignation as a right, it has also tried to limit it by subjecting it to some rules. It is naturalthat the right to resign is also restricted by law in order to avoid damaging the principle of continuity of public services.In this context, reassignment as public servants is prohibited for a certain period of time for the ones who resigned.Instructors working in universities are also in public servants status. Resignation is a right for them, too. However, as theyhave differences from other public servants, there are also differences in terms of restrictions imposed for resignation.In this article, the right to resign in general, the use of the right to resign and the legal consequences of theresignation will be discussed. The instructors’ right to resign and its legal consequences will be discussed separately.
Article 48 of the Constitution regulates the freedom to work and article 70 regulates the right to work in publicservices. “Every Turk has the right to work in public services. No distinction shall be made in the commissioning,other than the qualifications required by the task” (art.70). On the other hand, Article 18 of the Constitutionprohibits forced labor. According to this regulation, no one can be forced to work, drudgery is prohibited.Since forced labor is prohibited, it must also be a right for an officer to resign. As a matter of fact, resignation isregulated as a right in Article 20 of the Public Servants Act. According to the article, “public servants may withdrawfrom the public services according to the principles specified in this act”.Although the act regulates resignation as a right, it has also tried to limit it by subjecting it to some rules. It is naturalthat the right to resign is also restricted by law in order to avoid damaging the principle of continuity of public services.In this context, reassignment as public servants is prohibited for a certain period of time for the ones who resigned.Instructors working in universities are also in public servants status. Resignation is a right for them, too. However, as theyhave differences from other public servants, there are also differences in terms of restrictions imposed for resignation.In this article, the right to resign in general, the use of the right to resign and the legal consequences of theresignation will be discussed. The instructors’ right to resign and its legal consequences will be discussed separately.
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