Gebelerde asemptomatik bakteriüri araştırması
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Çalışmada, herhangi bir üriner sistem şikayeti olmayan 216 gebe ve kontrol grubu olarak seçilen 60 sağlıklı kadın asemptomatik bakteriüri (ASB) yönünden araştırılmıştır. Gebeler arasında ASB sıklığı, bu sıklığın riskfaktörleriyle ilişkisi ve bakteriüriye neden olan mikroorganizmalar değerlendirilmiştir. Gebe ve kontrol grubu kadınlardan alınan orta akım idrar örneklerinin aseptik koşullar altında kültürleri yapılmıştır. Her iki grupta da aynı oranda (% 3) ASB saptanmış, gruplar arasında fark gözlenmemiştir (p>0.05). Gebelerde ASB sıklığının diğer riskfaktörleriyle (yaş, gebelik sayısı, gebelik süresi) ilişkisinde de anlamlı bir fark bulunmamıştır (p>0.05). Fakat gebelerde geçirilmiş üriner sistem infeksiyon (ÜSİ) öyküsü ile ASB görülme sıklığı arasında anlamlı ilişki gözlenmiştir (p<0.001). ASB saptanan yedi gebenin idrar kültüründe dördünden Escherichia coli, ikisinden Klebsiella pneumoniae ve birinden de Enterococcus faecalis izole edilmiştir. Uygun antibiyotiklerle tedavi edilen gebelerin idrarları gebelik süresince steril kalmıştır. Sonuç olarak yan etkilerinden dolayı gebelik sırasında ASB araştırılmalı, saptanan olgular tedavi edilmeli ve geçirilmiş ÜSİ öyküsü olan gebelerin ASB için daha yüksek risk altında olduğu düşünülmelidir.
In this study, 216 pregnant and 60 healty non-pregnant control women were screened for significant asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB). The frequency of ASB on the first prenatal visit of pregnant women, its relation to risk factors and the causative agents were investigated. All subjects were clinically identified to have no signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection (UT1). Mid¬stream urine samples were obtained from both the pregnant women and the control group and cultured under aseptic conditions. The frequencies of ASB in both groups were found to be 3 % (p>0.05). The differences between the presence of bacteriuria and the risk factors (age of gestation, parity, maternal age) were statistically insignificant (p>0.05). But a significant relation was found between previous history of UT1 and ASB (p<0.001). Escherichia coli was isolated from 4, Klebsiella pneumoniae from 2 and Enterococcus faecalis from 1 bacteriuric pregnants. They were treated with appropriate antibiotics and their urines were found sterile until the end of pregnancy. In conclusion, because of adverse effects of ASB it should be screened at the first prenatal visit and therapy should be given to women with bacteriuria. It should be thought that pregnant women with previous UTI history have higher risk for ASB.
In this study, 216 pregnant and 60 healty non-pregnant control women were screened for significant asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB). The frequency of ASB on the first prenatal visit of pregnant women, its relation to risk factors and the causative agents were investigated. All subjects were clinically identified to have no signs and symptoms of urinary tract infection (UT1). Mid¬stream urine samples were obtained from both the pregnant women and the control group and cultured under aseptic conditions. The frequencies of ASB in both groups were found to be 3 % (p>0.05). The differences between the presence of bacteriuria and the risk factors (age of gestation, parity, maternal age) were statistically insignificant (p>0.05). But a significant relation was found between previous history of UT1 and ASB (p<0.001). Escherichia coli was isolated from 4, Klebsiella pneumoniae from 2 and Enterococcus faecalis from 1 bacteriuric pregnants. They were treated with appropriate antibiotics and their urines were found sterile until the end of pregnancy. In conclusion, because of adverse effects of ASB it should be screened at the first prenatal visit and therapy should be given to women with bacteriuria. It should be thought that pregnant women with previous UTI history have higher risk for ASB.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Farmakoloji ve Eczacılık
ANKEM Dergisi
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