Büyük Selçuklu Devleti Saray Şairi Emîr Mu‘İzzî’nin Dîvânı’nda Selçuklu Hâtunu Mâh Melek Hâtun
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Büyük Selçuklu Devleti sarayında meliküşşü„arâ unvanıyla yarım asrı aşkın bir sürede bulunan ve devlet adamları için şiirler yazan Emîr Mu„izzî (öl. 518-521/1124-1127), Selçuklu edebiyatı, tarihi ve kültürü açısından önemli bir şahsiyettir. Sultan Alp Arslan?ın şairi olan babası Burhânî sayesinde çocukluğundan itibaren saray çevresinde yetişen ve yaşayan Mu„izzî?nin 19.000 beyit civarındaki Dîvânı, bilhassa Melikşâh (öl. 485/1092), Berkyâruk (öl. 498/1104), Muhammed Tapar (öl. 511/1118) ve Sencer (öl. 552/1157) gibi Selçuklu sultanları, vezirleri, emîrleri ve devlet adamları için yazılmış şiirlerden oluşmaktadır. Onun şiirlerinde asıl tarih kaynaklarında adları zikredilen veya zikredilmeyen birçok tarihî şahsiyet hakkında bilgiye ulaşabilmek mümkündür. Hayatına dair tarih kaynaklarında çok fazla malumat bulunmayan ve Mu„izzî?nin, Dîvân?da adına övgüde bulunduğu şahsiyetlerden biri de Sultan Melikşâh ile Terken Hâtun?un kızı ve Sultan Sencer?in kız kardeşi Mâh Melek Hâtun?dur. Mâh Melek Hâtun?un, methiyeci bir şair olan Mu„izzî?nin Dîvân?ında ve düşünce dünyasında ne şekilde yer aldığı hususu birçok bakımdan anlam yüklüdür. Bir yandan Mu„izzî?nin, Mâh Melek Hâtun?u hangi özellikleri ve yönleri dolayısıyla eserine dâhil ettiği hakkında sonuçlara ulaşılabilecek, öte yandan Mâh Melek Hâtun?un edebî ve tarihî metinlerdeki varlığı hakkında bilgiler elde edilebilecektir. Bu bağlamda Mu„izzî?nin Mâh Melek Hâtun methiyesindeki beyanlarının ve bilgilerinin, hem edebiyat tarihi hem de siyasi tarih açısından İslam ve Türk dünyası için önemli olduğu açıktır.
Am?r Mo„ezz? (518-521/1124-1127), who writes poems for statesmen and was on duty with the title as Maliku?s-shu„ar? in Great Seljuk Palace for more than half a century is an important figure in the literature, history and culture of Seljuks. Thanks to his father, Burh?n?, who was Sultan Alp Arslan?s poet, Mo„ezz? lived around the palace and has a d?w?n with 19.000 verses especially consisting of poems written for Seljuk sultans and statesmen such as Malik Sh?h (d. 485/1092), Barky?ruk (d. 498/1104), Mohammad Tapar (d. 511/1118) and Sancar (d. 522/1157) since his childhood. It is possible to find the information about many historical figures mentioned and not mentioned in the fundamental historical resources. One of these figures, who Mo„ezz? praises in his D?w?n and about whom there was not enough information in the historical resources, is M?h Malak H?tun (M?h Malak Lady) (d. 487/1094), daughter of Malik Sh?h with Terken H?tun (Terken Lady) and the sister of Sultan Sancar. It has great importance to study how M?h Malak H?tun takes a place in Mo„ezz??s D?w?n and world of thought. On one hand some inferences can be gained in terms of characteristic features of M?h Malak H?tun that Mo„ezz? selected to include in his work, on the other hand information can be gained about the existence of M?h Malak H?tun in literary and historic texts. In this context, it is clear that statements and information given by Mo„ezz? about the praises of M?h Malak H?tun is notable in terms of both politics and history for Islamic and Turkish world.
Am?r Mo„ezz? (518-521/1124-1127), who writes poems for statesmen and was on duty with the title as Maliku?s-shu„ar? in Great Seljuk Palace for more than half a century is an important figure in the literature, history and culture of Seljuks. Thanks to his father, Burh?n?, who was Sultan Alp Arslan?s poet, Mo„ezz? lived around the palace and has a d?w?n with 19.000 verses especially consisting of poems written for Seljuk sultans and statesmen such as Malik Sh?h (d. 485/1092), Barky?ruk (d. 498/1104), Mohammad Tapar (d. 511/1118) and Sancar (d. 522/1157) since his childhood. It is possible to find the information about many historical figures mentioned and not mentioned in the fundamental historical resources. One of these figures, who Mo„ezz? praises in his D?w?n and about whom there was not enough information in the historical resources, is M?h Malak H?tun (M?h Malak Lady) (d. 487/1094), daughter of Malik Sh?h with Terken H?tun (Terken Lady) and the sister of Sultan Sancar. It has great importance to study how M?h Malak H?tun takes a place in Mo„ezz??s D?w?n and world of thought. On one hand some inferences can be gained in terms of characteristic features of M?h Malak H?tun that Mo„ezz? selected to include in his work, on the other hand information can be gained about the existence of M?h Malak H?tun in literary and historic texts. In this context, it is clear that statements and information given by Mo„ezz? about the praises of M?h Malak H?tun is notable in terms of both politics and history for Islamic and Turkish world.
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