Tarihçi Atâ'nın Atçılık İle İlgili Eseri: Tuhfetü'l-Fârisîn Fî-Ahvâli Huyûli'l-Mücâhidîn
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At ve atçılık insanlık için özel ve müstesna bir yere sahip olup, Türklerde ise bunun çok daha büyük bir yeri ve değeri vardır. Büyük Türk devletleri atların sırtında kurulmuş ve birçok mevki ve makam ismi de ata dayalı olarak ortaya çıkmıştır. Atın yerini ve kıymetini anlatan ayet ve hadislerin de bulunması atın değerini daha da artırmış; hatta at, Türklerde insandan sonra yaratılmışların en şereflisi olarak kabul edilmiştir. İslâm dünyasında at ve atçılığa dair eserler Abbasiler döneminden itibaren yazılmaya başlanmış ve zamanla birçok baytarnâme ve fürûsiyye ortaya konulmuştur. İslâm dünyasında at ve atçılığa dair eserler, at hastalıkları ve tedavilerine dair baytarnâmeler ile atçılık, binicilik, okçuluk gibi konuları içeren fürûsiyyeler adı altında yazılmıştır. Baytarnâmelerde genellikle at hastalık ve tedavileri işlenmiş, fürûsiyyelerde ise binicilik, silahşorluk gibi konular ele alınmıştır. Bu iki sahada antik dillerden Arapçaya birçok çeviri yapılmış ve bunlarda genellikle, Aristo'ya ait olduğu kabul edilen Baytarnâme'den esinlenilmiştir. İslâm dünyasında baytarlıkla ilgili ilk telif eser İbni Ahi Hizâm el-Huttelî'nin Kitâbül-hayl ve'l-baytara adlı eseri olmuş ve bu eser daha sonra birçok defa tercüme ve şerh edilmiştir. Osmanlı'da at ve atçılıkla ilgili eserlerin genellikle şerh ve tercüme şeklinde yazıldığı görülmekte olup, bunların birisi de Tayyarzâde Ata tarafından Arapça bir eserden Tuhfetu'l-farisin fî-ahvâli huyûli'l-mücâhidîn adıyla çevrilmiş eserdir. Bu makalede bu eser incelenip tanıtılmaktadır.
Horse and horse riding, has a special place for humanity, and has a value much larger than that of the Turks. Great Turkish states established the backs of horses and based on the horse name emerged in many position and authority. Qur'anic verses and Hadiths about the location and value of the horse is also further increased the value of the horse, even at the Turks after the person has been recognized as the most honorable of creatures. Began to be written works on horse riding at the Islamic world from the period of the Abbasids and in the long run many fürûsiyye and baytarname put forward. The works on horse and horse riding at the Islamic world, baytarnames which explaining treatment of diseases of horse and fürûsiyye which including issues of horse riding, horseback riding, archery posted under the name. At baytarnâmes usually is treated treatment of the disease of horse, at fürûsiyyes discussed the horse-riding, knight hood issues such as. These two had been many translating from ancient languages to Arabic and in these generally the book was inspired by Aristotle regarded as belonging to. At the Islamic world veterinary the first copyrighted work is Kitâb al Hayl wa al baytara which was written by Ibni Ahi al-Huttelî, this work has been translated many times and was annotated. In Ottoman works on horse and horse riding is often seen written in the form of commentary and interpretation, one of them is Tuhfetü'l-Farisîn fî-ahvâli huyûli'l-Mujahideen which was translated from a Arabic work by Tayyarzade Ata. In this article examined and are introduced this work.
Horse and horse riding, has a special place for humanity, and has a value much larger than that of the Turks. Great Turkish states established the backs of horses and based on the horse name emerged in many position and authority. Qur'anic verses and Hadiths about the location and value of the horse is also further increased the value of the horse, even at the Turks after the person has been recognized as the most honorable of creatures. Began to be written works on horse riding at the Islamic world from the period of the Abbasids and in the long run many fürûsiyye and baytarname put forward. The works on horse and horse riding at the Islamic world, baytarnames which explaining treatment of diseases of horse and fürûsiyye which including issues of horse riding, horseback riding, archery posted under the name. At baytarnâmes usually is treated treatment of the disease of horse, at fürûsiyyes discussed the horse-riding, knight hood issues such as. These two had been many translating from ancient languages to Arabic and in these generally the book was inspired by Aristotle regarded as belonging to. At the Islamic world veterinary the first copyrighted work is Kitâb al Hayl wa al baytara which was written by Ibni Ahi al-Huttelî, this work has been translated many times and was annotated. In Ottoman works on horse and horse riding is often seen written in the form of commentary and interpretation, one of them is Tuhfetü'l-Farisîn fî-ahvâli huyûli'l-Mujahideen which was translated from a Arabic work by Tayyarzade Ata. In this article examined and are introduced this work.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Elaiçık M. (2013). Tarihçi Atâ'nın Atçılık İle İlgili Eseri: Tuhfetü'l-Fârisîn Fî-Ahvâli Huyûli'l-Mücâhidîn. Turkish Studies (Elektronik), 8(7), 149 - 156.