Gebe kadınlarda parvovirus B19 ve TORCH seroprevalansı
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Amaç: Kırıkkale Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Hastanesi Kadın Hastalıkları ve Doğum Anabilim Dalı polikliniğine başvuran gebelerde Parvovirus B19 ve TORCH infeksiyonlarının seroprevalansını araştırmak ve bu etkenlere karşı gelişen immüniteye etki eden bazı faktörleri açığa çıkarmak amaçlanmıştır. Gereç ve Yöntem: Gebelerden alınan serum örneklerinde, TORCH ve Parvovirus B19 infeksiyonlarına karşı gelişen antikorlar ELISA yöntemiyle araştırılmıştır. Bulgular: Çalışmaya yaşları 18-37 (ort: 245.7) arasında olan toplam 310 gebe kadın alınmıştır. Daha önceki gebeliklerinde abortus, intrauterin ölüm ve doğumsal anomali öyküsü bulunanların oranı 57/229 (%24.9)'dur. Seroprevalans sırasıyla: Parvovirus B19 IgM %2.3, IgG %60.6; Toksoplasma IgM %0.97, IgG %38.4; Rubella IgM %0, IgG %86.7; Sitomegalovirus (CMV) IgM %2.3, IgG %89.1; Herpes Simplex Virus (tip-I ve II) IgM %11.6, IgG %61.3 ve Varisella IgM %0, IgG %99.7'dir. 35 yaş ve üzerindeki gebelerde, 35 yaşından küçük gebelere göre parvovirus IgG ve toksoplasma IgG seropozitifliğinin anlamlı oranda yüksek olduğu tespit edildi (sırasıyla; p0.017 ve p0.000). Ayrıca, 35 yaş ve üzerindeki gebelerde CMV IgG seropozitifliğinin 30 yaşın altındaki gebelere göre yüksek olduğu görüldü (p0.028). Üç veya daha fazla çocuğa sahip olan gebelerin üç çocuktan az veya hiç çocuğu bulunmayan gebelere göre toksoplasma IgG seropozitifliği yüksekti (p0.009). CMV için primer infeksiyon oranı %0.97 ve reaktivasyon oranı %1.1 olup HSV (I ve II) için bu oranlar %4.8 ve %7.9'dur. Sonuç: Gebelik takibinde laboraratuar rutinleri açısından HPV araştırılmasının uygun olmadığı, CMV ve HSV IgG antikorlarına rutin olarak bakılmasının gerekli olmadığı, öncelikle rubella IgG antikorlarının tespiti ve gerek duyulan hallerde IgM antikorlarına bakılmasının uygun olacağı ve toksoplasma antikorlarının tespitinin gerekliliği belirlenmiştir.
Objective: Pregnant women applying to the outpatient clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Kırıkkale University Medical Faculty were investigated for the presence of TORCH and Parvovirus B19 seroprevalance and the involvement of several factors which are implicated in the acquired immunity against these infectious agents. Material and Method: Antibodies that were produced againts TORCH and Parvovirus B19 were investigated by ELISA technique in the serum samples withdrawn from pregnant women. Results: Total 310 cases aged 18 to 37 (mean: 24±5.7) years were included into this study. The rate of patients who had a history of abortus, inrauterin death and congenital anomalies was 57/229 (24.9%). The percentages of seroprevalance were as follows; Parvovirus IgM 2.3% and IgG 60.6%, Toxoplasma IgM 0.97% and IgG 38.4%, Rubella IgM 0% and IgG 86.7%, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM 2.3% and IgG 89.1%, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-I and II) IgM 11.6% and IgG 61.3% and Varicella IgM 0% and IgG 99.7%. IgG seropositivity of parvovirus and toxoplasma was significantly higher in pregnant women over 35 years than in ones aged below 35 years (respectively; p0.017 and p0.000). Furthermore, IgG seropositivity of CMV significantly higher than women aged over 35 and pregnant women aged below 30 years (p0.028). IgG seropositivity of toxoplasma was significantly higher in pregnant women who had 3 or more children than in women who had less than 3 children or nullipar women (p0.009). Rates of primary CMV infection and reactivation were 0.97% and 1.1%, respectively. Rates of primary HSV (I and II) infection and reactivation were 4.8% and 7.9%, respectively. Conclusion: It is concluted that HPV investigation in routine follow up of pregnant women is not appropriate. In adition to this, during follow up of CMV and HSV infections, IgG antibodies need not be tested routinely. It is also concluded that for rubella infections, IgG antibodies should be detected prior to IgM antibodies when necessary and toxoplasma antibodies should be tested.
Objective: Pregnant women applying to the outpatient clinic of Obstetrics and Gynecology Department in Kırıkkale University Medical Faculty were investigated for the presence of TORCH and Parvovirus B19 seroprevalance and the involvement of several factors which are implicated in the acquired immunity against these infectious agents. Material and Method: Antibodies that were produced againts TORCH and Parvovirus B19 were investigated by ELISA technique in the serum samples withdrawn from pregnant women. Results: Total 310 cases aged 18 to 37 (mean: 24±5.7) years were included into this study. The rate of patients who had a history of abortus, inrauterin death and congenital anomalies was 57/229 (24.9%). The percentages of seroprevalance were as follows; Parvovirus IgM 2.3% and IgG 60.6%, Toxoplasma IgM 0.97% and IgG 38.4%, Rubella IgM 0% and IgG 86.7%, Cytomegalovirus (CMV) IgM 2.3% and IgG 89.1%, Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV-I and II) IgM 11.6% and IgG 61.3% and Varicella IgM 0% and IgG 99.7%. IgG seropositivity of parvovirus and toxoplasma was significantly higher in pregnant women over 35 years than in ones aged below 35 years (respectively; p0.017 and p0.000). Furthermore, IgG seropositivity of CMV significantly higher than women aged over 35 and pregnant women aged below 30 years (p0.028). IgG seropositivity of toxoplasma was significantly higher in pregnant women who had 3 or more children than in women who had less than 3 children or nullipar women (p0.009). Rates of primary CMV infection and reactivation were 0.97% and 1.1%, respectively. Rates of primary HSV (I and II) infection and reactivation were 4.8% and 7.9%, respectively. Conclusion: It is concluted that HPV investigation in routine follow up of pregnant women is not appropriate. In adition to this, during follow up of CMV and HSV infections, IgG antibodies need not be tested routinely. It is also concluded that for rubella infections, IgG antibodies should be detected prior to IgM antibodies when necessary and toxoplasma antibodies should be tested.
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Genel ve Dahili Tıp
Medical Network Klinik Bilimler ve Doktor
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