Hoshinmaru Davası; Uluslararası Deniz Hukuku Mahkemesinde Gemi Ve Mürettebatın Gecikmesizin Serbest Bırakılması
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Bu Makale'de, Uluslararası Deniz Hukuku görülen Mahkemesinde Davası incelenecektir. Japonya bayraklı Hoshinmaru Gemisine, Rusya münhasır ekonomik bölgesi içinde 2 Haziran 2007 tarihinde Rusya tarafından el konulmuştur. BMDHS'ye göre, el konulan gemi, makul teminat ve diğer garantiler karşılığında gecikmeksizin serbest bırakılmalıdır. Rusya, Gemi ve mürettebatının gecikmeksizin serbest bırakılması için 13 Temmuz 2007'de teminatı belirlemiştir. Japonya, Birleşmiş Milletler Deniz Hukuku Sözleşmesinin 73 maddesinin 2. bendini ihlal edildiğini ileri sürmüştür. Bu iddia, Rusya tarafından reddedilmiştir. Dava'nın taraflarının her ikisi de teminat ve diğer mali garantilerin makul olması ilkesi üzerinde uyuşmuşlardır. Fakat makul teminat ya da diğer mali garantilerin kapsamı konusunda anlaşamamışlardır. Makale'de, gecikmeksizin serbest bırakma prosedürünün temel amaç ve mantığı analiz edilmiştir.
This Paper examines the Hoshinmaru Case, has been determined by International Tribunal for the Law of Sea .The Hoshinmaru Vessel, flying the flag of Japan, was detained in the Russian exclusive economic zone on 2 June 2007. Arrested vessel shall be promptly released upon the posting of the reasonable bond or other security to United Nations Convention on the law of Sea. He bond was set by the Russia on 13 July 2007.The Japan alleged that contrary to the article 73, paragraph 2, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea. This allegation was denied by the Russia. Both partiesof the Case, agreed in principle that a bond and other financial security should be reasonable. But, there was a discuss that about in deciding the content of the reasonable bond or other financial security. The paper analyzes that the fundamental objective and purpose of the prompt release prosedure.
This Paper examines the Hoshinmaru Case, has been determined by International Tribunal for the Law of Sea .The Hoshinmaru Vessel, flying the flag of Japan, was detained in the Russian exclusive economic zone on 2 June 2007. Arrested vessel shall be promptly released upon the posting of the reasonable bond or other security to United Nations Convention on the law of Sea. He bond was set by the Russia on 13 July 2007.The Japan alleged that contrary to the article 73, paragraph 2, of the United Nations Convention on the Law of Sea. This allegation was denied by the Russia. Both partiesof the Case, agreed in principle that a bond and other financial security should be reasonable. But, there was a discuss that about in deciding the content of the reasonable bond or other financial security. The paper analyzes that the fundamental objective and purpose of the prompt release prosedure.
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