Bodur Minareden Öte (Yusuf Atılgan) ve Absürt Birey
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Bodur Minareden Öte, Yusuf Atılgan'ın 1960 yılında yayınlamış olduğu tek hikâye kitabıdır. Kitapta, “Kasabadan”, “Köyden”, “Kentten” başlıkları altında on hikâye yer almaktadır. Bu hikâyeler, özellikle karakterlerin içinde bulunduğu çevresel özellikler, ruhsal yapıları, diğer insanlarla ilişkileri ve eylemleri dolayısıyla Albert Camus'nün absürt felsefesiyle belirgin biçimde ilişkilendirilebilecek özellikler barındırmaktadır. Yusuf Atılgan, Bodur Minareden Öte adlı bu hikâye kitabından önce yayınladığı Aylak Adam ve Anayurt Oteli adlı tanınmış romanlarında Camus-vâri karakterler yaratmadaki başarısını zaten göstermiştir. Bu makalede, mekân / birey ilişkisi, hikâye kişilerinin karakteristikleri, bireylerin absürt bilinçle tanıştıkları durumlar ve bu durumların yönlendirdiği eylemler aracılığıyla Bodur Minareden Öte adlı kitapta yer alan hikâyelerin Albert Camus'nün absürt felsefesiyle örtüştüğü noktalar tespit edilmeye çalışılmıştır.
"Bodur Minareden öte" is Yusuf Atılgan's only story book, which was published in 1960. This story book consists of ten stories under the titles °f "from the town", "from the village", and "from the city". These stories display certain characteristic features of the absurd philosophy of Albert Camus because of the psychological states of the characters, their relations -with other people and events. Yusuf Atılgan is successful in creating characters similar to those of Camus in his well known novels called Aylak Adam and Anayurt Oteli which were published before Bodur Minareden öte. This article tries to analyze the stories in "Bodur Minareden öte"to find out the features which are in accordance with the absurd philosophy of Albert Camus on the basis of individual-space relationship, characteristic features of the people in the stories, and situations when they are faced with absurd consciousness and actions.
"Bodur Minareden öte" is Yusuf Atılgan's only story book, which was published in 1960. This story book consists of ten stories under the titles °f "from the town", "from the village", and "from the city". These stories display certain characteristic features of the absurd philosophy of Albert Camus because of the psychological states of the characters, their relations -with other people and events. Yusuf Atılgan is successful in creating characters similar to those of Camus in his well known novels called Aylak Adam and Anayurt Oteli which were published before Bodur Minareden öte. This article tries to analyze the stories in "Bodur Minareden öte"to find out the features which are in accordance with the absurd philosophy of Albert Camus on the basis of individual-space relationship, characteristic features of the people in the stories, and situations when they are faced with absurd consciousness and actions.
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Şenderin, Z. (2010). Bodur Minareden Öte (Yusuf Atılgan) ve Absürt Birey. Türkbilig, 0(20), 248 - 270.