Ebussuud Efendi’nin Manzum Fetvâları
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Fetvâ; yiğit, genç, kavî anlamındaki fetâ kökünden gelen bir kelime olup şeyhülislâm veya müftünün, müşkil bir meselenin hükmünü kaynaklarından araştırarak ortaya koyması işlemini ifade etmektedir. Bu kelime, müşkil bir meseleyi güçlü bir cevapla izah etmekten dolayı fıkhî anlamını kazanmıştır. Fetvâ vermenin güç ve ciddi bir iş olduğunu, fetvâ veren şeyhülislâm veya müftü için kullanılmış olan: 'ukde-güşâ-yı işkâl, müşkil-güşâ' gibi sıfatlardan anlamak mümkündür. Fetvâ kitapları muhtelif konularda hassas ve kritik bilgi ve belgeler içeren önemli kaynaklardır. 129 şeyhülislâmın görev yaptığı Osmanlı'da verilen fetvâlar hem fıkhî, hem de edebî yönden zengin bir hazine meydana getirmiştir. Bugün elimizde 22 adet fetvâ mecmuası bulunmakta olup, yapılacak nice dil ve edebiyat çalışmasını beklemektedir. Bu kitaplarda öncelikle hukukî konular yer almakla birlikte dil ve edebî derinlik ve genişlik de heyecan vericidir. Özellikle bazı kitaplarda yer alan manzum fetvâlar bu heyecanı daha da artırıcı niteliktedir. Elimizdeki manzum fetvâlar Türkçe olup aynı zamanda Türk edebiyatında bir nazım türünün de adı olmuştur. Son yıllarda tanıttığımız manzum fetvâların sayısı, çalışmalar derinleştikçe artmaktadır. Manzum fetvâ verenlerin birisi de Şeyhülislâm Ebussuud Efendi'dir. O, manzum fetvâ geleneğinin ilk isimlerinden olup, elimizdeki manzum fetvâların da çoğunluğu kendisine aittir. Bu çalışmada onun tespit edilen manzum fetvâları tanıtılmaktadır
Fatwa word, comes from the root fetai in the brave, young, strong sense. Fatwa, is process of giving of provision of a difficult issue by the Sheikh al-Islam or mufti investigated from sources. Meaning of the fiqhof this word, the explained was due to a strong answer to a difficult issue. For sheikh al-Islam or mufti 'ukde-güşâ-yı işkâl, müşkil-güşâ/the solver of knot of difficulty, solve challenges' expressions was used because fatwa process is a difficult job. Fatwa books on various subjects are important sources containing information and documents sensitive and critical. 129 sheikh al-Islam did mission over a period of five centuries in Ottoman Empire and they give fatwas both juristical and literary aspects has created a rich treasure. Today available is 22 fatwa book and these books is waiting various language and literature studies. Although in these books is firstly juristic issues; also is exciting language and literary depth and breadth has. Especially, poetry form fatwas which are in some books this excitement further enhance. Available verse fatwas is Turkish and is also a name of verse in Turkish literature. In recent years we introduce poetry form fatwas increases our studies progresses. One of the owners poetry form fatwas is Sheikh al-Islam Ebussuud Efendi. He is from the first names of the poetic fatwa tradition; the majority of poetry form fatwas belongs to him. In this study are introduced his poetry form fatwas which were be detected up to the present.
Fatwa word, comes from the root fetai in the brave, young, strong sense. Fatwa, is process of giving of provision of a difficult issue by the Sheikh al-Islam or mufti investigated from sources. Meaning of the fiqhof this word, the explained was due to a strong answer to a difficult issue. For sheikh al-Islam or mufti 'ukde-güşâ-yı işkâl, müşkil-güşâ/the solver of knot of difficulty, solve challenges' expressions was used because fatwa process is a difficult job. Fatwa books on various subjects are important sources containing information and documents sensitive and critical. 129 sheikh al-Islam did mission over a period of five centuries in Ottoman Empire and they give fatwas both juristical and literary aspects has created a rich treasure. Today available is 22 fatwa book and these books is waiting various language and literature studies. Although in these books is firstly juristic issues; also is exciting language and literary depth and breadth has. Especially, poetry form fatwas which are in some books this excitement further enhance. Available verse fatwas is Turkish and is also a name of verse in Turkish literature. In recent years we introduce poetry form fatwas increases our studies progresses. One of the owners poetry form fatwas is Sheikh al-Islam Ebussuud Efendi. He is from the first names of the poetic fatwa tradition; the majority of poetry form fatwas belongs to him. In this study are introduced his poetry form fatwas which were be detected up to the present.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Studies (Elektronik)
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri