Effects of incubator oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations on hatchability of fertile eggs, some blood parameters, and histopathological changes of broilers with different parental stock ages in high altitude

dc.authoridOzsoy, Sule Yurdagul/0000-0003-4254-7146
dc.authoridOKUR, Nezih/0000-0003-2431-0313
dc.authoridKabakci, Ruhi/0000-0001-9131-0933
dc.authoridYigit, Ayse Arzu/0000-0001-5837-6877
dc.authorideratalar, sabri arda/0000-0003-2774-8935
dc.contributor.authorOkur, Nezih
dc.contributor.authorEratalar, Sabri Arda
dc.contributor.authorYigit, Ayse Arzu
dc.contributor.authorKutlu, Tuncer
dc.contributor.authorKabakci, Ruhi
dc.contributor.authorOzsoy, Sule Yurdagul
dc.departmentKırıkkale Üniversitesi
dc.description.abstractThe effects of incubator carbon dioxide (CO2) and oxygen (O-2) concentrations with parental stock age (PSA) on embryonic deaths (ED), hatchability of fertile eggs (HFE), some blood parameters, and the tissue development of broilers were investigated. Four consecutive repetitions following the similar materials and methods were carried. From 3 different aged ROSS 308 broiler parental flocks 7,680 hatching eggs were obtained and classified as young (Y; 29 wk), middle (M; 37 wk) and old (O; 55 wk) as regards PSA, and randomly distributed. Four different incubator ventilation programs (IVP) as control (C; 0.67% CO2 and 20.33% O-2), high CO2 (HC; 1.57% CO2 and 20.26% O-2), high O-2 (HO; 0.50% CO2 and 21.16% O-2), and high CO2 + O-2 (HCO; 1.17% CO2 21.03% O-2) were applied with oxygen concentrator, and ED and HFE were investigated. Lung and heart tissues, hemoglobin value, packed cell volume, and red blood cell count, triiodothyronine, thyroxine, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) values of the chicks were analyzed. It was found that IVP affected ED and HFE. Higher rate of early ED (EED) was obtained from the HC than HCO, and higher middle+late stage +pipped but unhatched ED (MLPED) with a lower rate of HFE was observed in the C group than HO and HCO (P < 0.05). Association was found between PSA and IVP (P < 0.05), being more evident in EED for young PSA, in MLPED with HFE for Y and O PSA. From hematological values, no statistical difference in RBC, PCV, and Hb values were found among the treatment groups, ACTH concentration known as a response to stress was found to be higher than C in all groups, triiodothyronine concentration was higher in the HO group than C. In the histopathological examination, used IVPs were found to have negative effects on the lung and heart such as vacuolization, hemorrhage in all PSA groups except for C. Conclusively, PSA and IVP affected some hatching, blood and tissue development parameters of the broiler chicks.
dc.description.sponsorshipBAP (Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit) [2015.10.03.881, 2016.10.03.990, 2016.10.03.1029]; department of B.A.I.B.U. BAP
dc.description.sponsorshipThis study was completed within the scope of the BAP (Scientific Research Projects Coordination Unit) projects numbered 2015.10.03.881, 2016.10.03.990 and 2016.10.03.1029, which funded the equipment used in the research. The author thanks Beypi Inc. (beypilic) for providing the hatching eggs used in the experiment and the department of B.A.I.B.U. BAP for funding and supporting the project.
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Science
dc.relation.ispartofPoultry Science
dc.relation.publicationcategoryMakale - Uluslararası Hakemli Dergi - Kurum Öğretim Elemanı
dc.subjectbroiler; carbon dioxide; incubation; oxygen; parental stock age
dc.titleEffects of incubator oxygen and carbon dioxide concentrations on hatchability of fertile eggs, some blood parameters, and histopathological changes of broilers with different parental stock ages in high altitude
