Statistical Analysis For Determining The Range Performance Of 155 Mm Heer/Bb Artillery Ammunition

dc.contributor.authorGungor, Onur
dc.contributor.authorOncel, Ihsan Cagatay
dc.contributor.authorOncel, Sevgi Yurt
dc.departmentKırıkkale Üniversitesi
dc.description29th International Symposium on Ballistics -- MAY 09-13, 2016 -- Edinburgh, SCOTLAND
dc.descriptionONCEL, Sevgi YURT/0000-0002-0990-292X;
dc.description.abstract155 mm MKE MOD274 HEER/Base Bleed ammunition having 39 km range at sea level can be used with NATO 52 caliber Weapon Systems. During the preparation of firing control input / tabular firing table of the projectile for T-155 Panter and T-155 Firtina, intensive data collection activities had been carried out. As well as the data that providing information about the flight characteristics of the ammunition was obtained and used to form the firing tables, those data can be used in different ways by utilizing the statistical data mining techniques. Structure of the study; Interrelated groups have been determined by using statistical methods in which muzzle velocities and range performances of two different propellant weight (5th and 6th modules/zones), two different elevation of the gun and two different weapon has been taken into consideration for the projectiles having similar weight, center of gravity and moment of inertia. Hypothesis testing and multiple linear regulation models were used to evaluate the data and find the optimum model by using 155 mm MKE MOD274 HEER/Base Bleed ammunition test data. For determination of the "range" it is apparent that there is an important role of the "muzzle velocity" and "base bleed unit" variables. However, a model describing the structure of the relationship between these variables is not very common. This study has established a new model for the 155 mm MKE MOD274 HEER/Base Bleed ammunition by linear regression analysis.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipNatl Def Ind Assoc, Int Ballist Socen_US
dc.indekslendigikaynakWeb of Science
dc.publisherDestech Publications, Incen_US
dc.relation.ispartof29Th International Symposium On Ballistics, Vols 1 And 2
dc.relation.publicationcategoryKonferans Öğesi - Uluslararası - Kurum Öğretim Elemanıen_US
dc.titleStatistical Analysis For Determining The Range Performance Of 155 Mm Heer/Bb Artillery Ammunitionen_US
dc.typeConference Object
