Albino farelerde iyonlaştırıcı radyasyonun hepatosit morfolojisi ve prolifere hücre çekirdek antijeni (PCNA) ekspresyonu üzerindeki etkileri
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Bu çalısmada, iyonlastırıcı radyasyonun albino farelerde hepatosit proliferasyon oranına etkisinin arastırılması amaçlandı. Normal ve iyonlastırıcı radyasyona maruz kalan albino fare hepatositlerindeki prolifere hücre çekirdek antijeni (PCNA) ekspresyonu immünoperoksidaz boyama teknigiyle belirlendi. Radyasyon grubundaki fareler, çalısmanın bir ve yedinci günlerinde 30 dakika süre ile Kobalt 60-gama (1,333 MeV) ısını ile 10 Gy dozunda radyasyona maruz bırakıldı ve onbesinci gün hayvanların nekropsileri yapıldı. Kontrol grubu fare hepatositlerinde PCNA immünopozitifligi sadece hücre çekirdeginde gözlenirken, radyasyon grubu albino farelerde hem çekirdek hem de sitoplazmada tespit edildi. Kontrol grubunda, PCNA immünopozitif hepatositlerin oranı (%27,7620,4), radyasyon grubuna oranla (%7,535,43) daha yüksekti (p0,007). Kontrol grubunda çift çekirdekli (dikaryotik) hepatositlerin yüzdesi (%10,22 3,54) radyasyon grubuna oranla (%16,617,01) daha düsüktü (p0,019). Radyasyona maruz kalan farelerin karacigerinde iri çekirdekli hepatositlere ve piknotik hepatositlere sıklıkla rastlandı. Çift çekirdekli hepatositlerdeki PCNA immunoreaktivitesi çogunlukla her iki çekirdekte, daha az sıklıkla da tek çekirdekte görüldü. Sonuç olarak, PCNA ekspresyonu normal albino fare hepatositlerinde çekirdekte eksprese olurken, radyasyona maruz kalmıs fare hepatositlerinde genellikle hem çekirdek hem de sitoplazmada gözlendi. Ayrıca,10 Gy iyonlastırıcı gama radyasyon prolifere olan hepatosit sayısında azalmaya ve çift çekirdekli hepatosit sayısında artısa neden olmaktadır.
In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of ionizing radiation on hepatocyte proliferation in albino mice. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression was determined in hepatocytes of the normal mice and those exposed to ionizing radiation by means of immunoperoxidase staining technique. Mice in the radiation group were exposed to Cobalt 60-gamma (1.333 MeV) rays for 30 min at a dose of 10 Gy on the first and the seventh day of the study, and were necropsized on day 15. While PCNA immunoreactivity was observed in the hepatocyte nuclei of the control mice, the reaction was determined not only in nuclei but also in cytoplasms of hepatocytes of the irradiated mice. The percentage of PCNA immunoreactive hepatocytes was significantly higher in the control mice (%27.76±20.4) than that of the irradiated mice (%7.53±5.43) (p<0.007). The percentage of binucleated cells in the control mice (%10.22± 3.54) was significantly lower than that of the irradiated mice (%16.61±7.01) (p<0.019). In the liver of the irradiated group, hepatocytes with either a larger nucleus or picnotic nucleus were frequently seen. PCNA immunoreactivity in binucleated cells was observed frequently in both nuclei, but rarely in one of the nuclei. As a result, hepatocytes of the normal albino mice displayed nuclear PCNA expression whereas the irradiated mice usually showed both nuclear and cytoplasmic expressions. In addition, 10 Gy ionized gamma radiation reduced the number of the proliferating hepatocytes, but increased the number of the binucleated hepatocytes.
In this study, it was aimed to investigate the effect of ionizing radiation on hepatocyte proliferation in albino mice. Proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) expression was determined in hepatocytes of the normal mice and those exposed to ionizing radiation by means of immunoperoxidase staining technique. Mice in the radiation group were exposed to Cobalt 60-gamma (1.333 MeV) rays for 30 min at a dose of 10 Gy on the first and the seventh day of the study, and were necropsized on day 15. While PCNA immunoreactivity was observed in the hepatocyte nuclei of the control mice, the reaction was determined not only in nuclei but also in cytoplasms of hepatocytes of the irradiated mice. The percentage of PCNA immunoreactive hepatocytes was significantly higher in the control mice (%27.76±20.4) than that of the irradiated mice (%7.53±5.43) (p<0.007). The percentage of binucleated cells in the control mice (%10.22± 3.54) was significantly lower than that of the irradiated mice (%16.61±7.01) (p<0.019). In the liver of the irradiated group, hepatocytes with either a larger nucleus or picnotic nucleus were frequently seen. PCNA immunoreactivity in binucleated cells was observed frequently in both nuclei, but rarely in one of the nuclei. As a result, hepatocytes of the normal albino mice displayed nuclear PCNA expression whereas the irradiated mice usually showed both nuclear and cytoplasmic expressions. In addition, 10 Gy ionized gamma radiation reduced the number of the proliferating hepatocytes, but increased the number of the binucleated hepatocytes.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi
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Scopus Q Değeri
Karahan, S., Çavuşoğlu, K., Atmaca, H. T., Yalçın, E. (2008). Albino farelerde iyonlaştırıcı radyasyonun hepatosit morfolojisi ve prolifere hücre çekirdek antijeni (PCNA) ekspresyonu üzerindeki etkileri. Erciyes Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, 5(2), 61 - 66.