Fahreddîn er-Râzî’nin Müzik Risalesi
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Müzik alanında yazılan kuramsal eserlerin kökeni Sümerler dönemine kadar geriye gitse de, bilinen ilk kuramsal çalışmaların Aristo ve Pisagor gibi Yunanlı kuramcılar tarafından yapıldığı görülmektedir. İslam coğrafyasında ilime verilen önem nedeni ile İslam bilginleri, Yunanlıların kuramsal eserlerini incelemişler, eksiklerini tamamlamışlar hatta onların bahsetmedikleri konular hakkında dahi bilgiler vermişlerdir. İslam öncesi ve sonrasında yazılan kuramsal eserlerde en önemli kişinin Farabi olduğu düşünülmektedir. Çünkü Farabi, kendinden önceki kuramcıların eksiklerini ve onların bahsetmedikleri konuları incelemiş, elde ettiği yeni bulgularla kendisinden sonra gelenleri de önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Fahreddîn er-Râzî'nin risalesinde de bu etkiyi görmek mümkündür. Fahreddîn er-Râzî, Câmi'u'l-Ulûm isimli eserinde altmış ilmi içeren bir eser yazdığını söylese de kırk ilim hakkında açıklama yapmış ve her ilmi dokuz kısımda incelemiştir. Müzik ilmi de dokuz kısımda ele alınmıştır. Râzî, müzik ilmini yazarken etkilendiği Farabi, İbn Sina ve İbn Zeyle gibi kuramcıların açıklamaları kadar ayrıntılı bilgiler vermemiştir. Bu araştırmada, Emir Hüseyin Purcevâdî'nin tashih ettiği metin ele alınarak incelenmiş ve çevirisi yapılmıştır. Purcevâdî, bu eseri incelerken, eserin Britanya Müzesi'nde, Asitân-i Kuds-i Razavî'de ve Melik Kütüphanesi'nde bulunan nüshalarını karşılaştırarak ele almıştır
Although the origins of theoretical works written in the musical area go to the Sumerian period, it’s seen that first known theoretical works are studied by Greek theorists as Aristotle and Pythagorean. Due to the importance given to science in the Islamic world, the Islamic scholars examined the theoretical works of Greeks, complated deficiency even informed about the topics that they did not mention. Before and after the Islam in the written theoretical works, it’s considered that Farabi is the most important person. Because Farabi examined the deficiency and not mantioned topics before him, affected highly the persons after him. It’s possible to see this affect in the treatises of Fahreddin Al-Razi. Fahreddin Al-Razi in his work which named Cami Al-Ulum although says wrote a work including sixty sciences, explained forty sciences and examined every science in nine parts. Also music scence was studied in nine parts. Razi while writting music science did not give detailed informations like theorists as Farabi, İbn-i Sina, İbn-i Zeyle. In this study the text was revisioned by Amir Hussein Pourcevadi is examined and translated. While Pourcevadi was studying this work, examined by crosschecking the prints of British Museum, Asitan-i Kuds-i Razavi and Malik Library.
Although the origins of theoretical works written in the musical area go to the Sumerian period, it’s seen that first known theoretical works are studied by Greek theorists as Aristotle and Pythagorean. Due to the importance given to science in the Islamic world, the Islamic scholars examined the theoretical works of Greeks, complated deficiency even informed about the topics that they did not mention. Before and after the Islam in the written theoretical works, it’s considered that Farabi is the most important person. Because Farabi examined the deficiency and not mantioned topics before him, affected highly the persons after him. It’s possible to see this affect in the treatises of Fahreddin Al-Razi. Fahreddin Al-Razi in his work which named Cami Al-Ulum although says wrote a work including sixty sciences, explained forty sciences and examined every science in nine parts. Also music scence was studied in nine parts. Razi while writting music science did not give detailed informations like theorists as Farabi, İbn-i Sina, İbn-i Zeyle. In this study the text was revisioned by Amir Hussein Pourcevadi is examined and translated. While Pourcevadi was studying this work, examined by crosschecking the prints of British Museum, Asitan-i Kuds-i Razavi and Malik Library.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Current Research in Social Sciences
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Coşguner, F., Çakıroğlu, İ. (2016). Fahreddîn er-Râzî’nin Müzik Risalesi. Current Research in Social Sciences, 2(1), 10 - 16.