Osmanlı Dönemi Mesleki Müzik Eğitiminde İki Solfej Kitabı: Solfej ve Talim-i Kırâat-ı Musiki
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Osmanlı dönemi’nde Batı müziği II. Mahmud zamanında (1826) mehtertakımının kaldırılarak askeri bandonun kurulması ile kabul edilmeye ve Muzıka-iHümâyun’un kurulması, İtalyan besteci Giuseppe Donizetti'nin getirilmesiile birlikte Türk müziğinin yanı sıra Batı müzik eğitimi de resmen verilmeyebaşlamıştır. Donizetti Paşa 1856’da, Callisto Guatelli 1899’da vefatına kadar veardından da D’Arenda Paşa Muzıka-yı Hümâyun’da birçok öğrenci yetiştirmişlerdir.Muzıka-i Hümâyun’da yetişen Türk öğrenciler, Batı müziği nazariyatı ve solfejeğitimine yönelik çeviri ya da telif birçok kitap yayınlamışlardır. Bu yayınlararasında ilk ve en önemli eserlerden ikisi flütist Mustafa Safvet [Atabinen] Bey'eait Solfej Yahud Nazariyat-ı Musiki (1888/1889) ve Mehmed Zati [Arca] Bey'eait Kütübhane-i Musikiden Talim-i Kıraat-ı Musiki (1899/1900) adlı eserlerdir.Bu eserler Osmanlı dönemi’nin ilk basılı Türkçe solfej kitaplarıdır. Çalışmanınamacı da eserlerin eski harflerden yeni harflere çevirmek sureti ile kullanılanterimlerin günümüze yansımalarını incelemek, kitaplarda yer verilen solfejörneklerinin günümüz mesleki müzik eğitiminde kullanılabilirliğini araştırmakolarak belirlenmiştir.Kitaplarda uygulamaya yönelik hazırlanan çalışma başlıklarının şu şekilde olduğubelirlenmiştir: "ta'lîmler", "temrîn", "kırâat", "vazifeler", "tenbîhler", "mülâhâzat","meşk" ve "imlâ". Bu başlıklar nazari bilgilerin pekiştirilmesi, icra edilmesi,yazdırılması ve değerlendirilmesi amaçlarına göre belirlenmiştir. Ayrıca bukitapta yirmi beş "çift sesli solfej" örneklerine de yer verilmiştir. Bu solfejlerin birkısmı da sözlü eserlerdir. Kitapta geniş ölçüde yer verilen aksak ritimli usullerinöğretilmesinde Türk müziği eserlerine de yer verilmesi Türk müzik eğitimi,çift sesli solfej örnekleri ise çok sesli işitme eğitimi açısından önemli olduğusöylenebilir. Solfej yahud Nazariyat-ı Musiki ve Kütübhâne-i Musikiden Talim-iKırâat-ı Musiki kitaplarının Türkçe Batı müziği terminolojisinin oluşmasında daönemli bir yer teşkil ettiği görülmüştür.
During the Ottoman period in the time of Mahmud II (1826), the education ofWestern music started to be given formally alongside Turkish music by doing awaywith the janissary band, through the establishment of the military band, Muzıka-i Hümâyun and by the commissioning ofthe Italian composer Giuseppe Donizetti . Donizetti trained many students until his death in 1856. After that another Italiancomposer, Callisto Guatelli, was commissioned by Abdulhamid II until his death in 1899. The Spanish composer D'Arendahelped Guatelli in Muzıka-yı Hümâyun and replaced him later.Turkish students have published many books or translationsof Western music theory and solfege education. One of the first and most important works among these publications is"Solfej Yahud Nazariyat-ı Musiki (Solfege or Music Theory) (1888/1889)" by the flautist Mustafa Safvet [Atabinen] Bey, who isan educator of the Muzıka-i Hümâyun (The Imperial Band of the Ottoman Empire) and the other is "Kütübhane-i MusikidenTalim-i Kıraat-ı Musiki (Teaching and Reading of Music From Library of Music) (1899/1900)" by theviolinist Mehmed Zati[Arca] Bey, who is also an educator of the Muzıka-i Hümâyun. These works are the first printed Turkish solfege books of theOttoman period. The aim of this study is firstly to examine the extant terms used by converting these two books from oldletters to new letters and then to investigate the usability of the solfege samples included in the books in today's professionalmusic education and to bring them into today's solfege education.The titles of the works which were prepared for practice are determined as follows: "ta'lîmler", "temrîn", "kırâat", "vazifeler","tenbîhler", "mülâhâzat", "meşk" and "imlâ". These titles are determined according to the purposes of consolidating, performing,printing and evaluating the theoretical knowledge. Moreover, in this book, twenty five "two voice solfege" examples arealso included. Some of these solfeges are vocal works. Turkish music works are used for teaching syncopated rhythms whichoccur frequently in the book. Moreover it can be said that two voice solfege examples are also crucial in terms of polyphonichearing. It is seen that the books Solfej Yahud Nazariyat-ı Musiki and Kütübhâne-i Musikiden Talim-i Kırâat-ı Musiki play animportant part in comprising the terminology of Turkish Western music.
During the Ottoman period in the time of Mahmud II (1826), the education ofWestern music started to be given formally alongside Turkish music by doing awaywith the janissary band, through the establishment of the military band, Muzıka-i Hümâyun and by the commissioning ofthe Italian composer Giuseppe Donizetti . Donizetti trained many students until his death in 1856. After that another Italiancomposer, Callisto Guatelli, was commissioned by Abdulhamid II until his death in 1899. The Spanish composer D'Arendahelped Guatelli in Muzıka-yı Hümâyun and replaced him later.Turkish students have published many books or translationsof Western music theory and solfege education. One of the first and most important works among these publications is"Solfej Yahud Nazariyat-ı Musiki (Solfege or Music Theory) (1888/1889)" by the flautist Mustafa Safvet [Atabinen] Bey, who isan educator of the Muzıka-i Hümâyun (The Imperial Band of the Ottoman Empire) and the other is "Kütübhane-i MusikidenTalim-i Kıraat-ı Musiki (Teaching and Reading of Music From Library of Music) (1899/1900)" by theviolinist Mehmed Zati[Arca] Bey, who is also an educator of the Muzıka-i Hümâyun. These works are the first printed Turkish solfege books of theOttoman period. The aim of this study is firstly to examine the extant terms used by converting these two books from oldletters to new letters and then to investigate the usability of the solfege samples included in the books in today's professionalmusic education and to bring them into today's solfege education.The titles of the works which were prepared for practice are determined as follows: "ta'lîmler", "temrîn", "kırâat", "vazifeler","tenbîhler", "mülâhâzat", "meşk" and "imlâ". These titles are determined according to the purposes of consolidating, performing,printing and evaluating the theoretical knowledge. Moreover, in this book, twenty five "two voice solfege" examples arealso included. Some of these solfeges are vocal works. Turkish music works are used for teaching syncopated rhythms whichoccur frequently in the book. Moreover it can be said that two voice solfege examples are also crucial in terms of polyphonichearing. It is seen that the books Solfej Yahud Nazariyat-ı Musiki and Kütübhâne-i Musikiden Talim-i Kırâat-ı Musiki play animportant part in comprising the terminology of Turkish Western music.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Türkiyat Mecmuası
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Yalçın, G., İde, A. (2019). Osmanlı Dönemi Mesleki Müzik Eğitiminde İki Solfej Kitabı: Solfej ve Talim-i Kırâat-ı Musiki. Türkiyat Mecmuası, 29(2), 645 - 662.