Şikâyet yönetim süreci sonrası memnuniyeti etkileyen faktörler üzerine uygulamalı bir araştırma

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Müşteri beklentilerinin karşılanmaması sonucu oluşan tatminsizliğin ifade edilmesi olarak tanımlanan müşteri şikâyetlerinin özenle ele alınıp çözülmesi, pazarlama biliminde müşteri memnuniyetinin sağlanması ve müşterilerin elde tutulmasında önemli bir yöntem olarak görülmektedir. Bu çalışmanın ana hedefi; işletmelerin müşteri şikâyetlerini ele alışı ve çözme süreci sonrasında müşteride meydana gelen memnuniyeti etkileyen faktörlerin tespit edilmesidir. Ayrıca şikâyet yönetim süreci sonunda müşteride oluşan memnuniyet durumu ile tekrar satın alma ve olumsuz ağızdan ağıza iletişim davranışı arasındaki ilişkileri aydınlatmak amaçlanmaktadır. Bu kapsamda yüz yüze anket yöntemi ile toplanan veriler SPSS paket programı ile analiz edilmiş ve bulgular yorumlanmıştır. Araştırma çerçevesinde; “Şikayet Süreci Memnuniyeti”, “Olumsuz Ağızdan Ağıza İletişim”, “Tekrar Satın Alma Eğilimi”, “Kurum güvenirliği”, “A Tipi Kişiliğe Sahip Olma Düzeyi”, “Algılanan Sonuca Yönelik Adalet”, “Algılanan Prosedüre Yönelik Adalet”, “Algılanan Etkileşime Yönelik Adalet” olarak belirlenen değişkenler arasındaki ilişkiler korelasyon analizi ile incelenmiş ve sonuçlar yorumlanmıştır. Bu çerçevede algılanan kurum güvenilirliği, A tipi kişiliğe sahip olma düzeyi, algılanan etkileşime yönelik adalet, prosedüre yönelik adalet ve sonuca yönelik adalet ile şikâyet sürecinden duyulan memnuniyet arasında olumlu ilişkiler tespit edilmiştir. Bunların yanında şikâyet süreci sonrası oluşan memnuniyet düzeyi ile tekrar satın alma eğilimi ve olumsuz ağızdan ağza iletişim davranışları arasında anlamlı ilişkiler tespit edilmiştir.
As importance of consumer and keeping consumer in hand increases, activities for solving problems of consumers which is about purchased goods and services or namely complaint management has gain importance recently. Complaints are defined as declarations of consumers about their unsatisfactory experiences and problems about goods or services. Under this framework problem solving is defined as a defensive marketing strategy which is a major tool for not only keeping consumers in hand but also preventing the negative consequences of consumer complaint behaviors like negative word of mouth, complaining to third parties, firm image deterioration or etc. The aim of this study is to contribute firms to reach their goals by determining factors that affect the satisfaction of consumers who transmit their problems to firm namely unsatisfied consumers. Furthermore it is aimed to clarify the effects of post complaint satisfaction on behaviors and intentions after complaint process like negative word of mouth and repurchases. It is also supposed to contribute the prosperity and welfare of consumers by understanding and revealing details and critical points of complaint handling activities. Determining expectancies of consumers from a complaint handling process is a necessary factor for solving consumer problems and making confident them to transmit problems to firm. Companies must deal with consumer complaints under the lights of these expectancies which is tried to be pointed out by such studies. Consumer complaints are consequences of dissatisfaction or inconvenience which resulted from the difference between expected and actual performance of goods and services. Researches show that resolving a consumer complaint properly creates several invaluable advantages like consumer losses, ensuring higher satisfaction with respect to before of complaint process, higher consumer loyalty, preventing negative word of mouth, understanding and following current consumer wants, preferences, expectancies and tendencies properly or etc. As modern marketing concept and the idea of being consumer oriented gains importance, complaint handling strategies are not only evaluated as competitive edge of firms, but also as a strategic tool that assures to be alive in global competitive environment. Dealing with consumer complaint is seen as waste of time by firms in general. But many complaint management researches show that a good complaint management experience of consumer creates several opportunities for firms like repurchases, cross selling, increasing in consumer satisfaction, strengthen consumer communication, revealing and correcting the weak and deficient points of products or etc. Present study investigates the relationships between the variables which are named as “degree of having Type A personality“, “perceived firm reliability“, “perceived distributive justice“, “perceived procedural justice“, “perceived justice of interaction“, “satisfaction after complaint process“, “repurchase intention“, “tendency of negative word of mouth“ by the help of correlation analysis. Since the data was gathered from undergraduate students of Economics and Administrative Sciences of Kırıkkale University about mobile telecommunication sector, the results can not be generalized to all consumers and markets. It is found that there are positive relationships between justice perceptions - procedural, interactional, distributive of consumer and satisfaction with complaint process as similar to previous studies. Distributive justice is described as treating each consumer in an equal way in terms of providing losses of consumers and fulfilling complaint expectancies. Procedural justice is about accessibility and flexibility of complaint system, gathering and using information about problems and giving chance to consumers to pursue their allegations. And interactional justice is explained as politeness, suitability, honesty, dignity, respectfulness, and empathic behaviors of firm personnel. These variables are seen as key factors of complaint management process that lead to satisfaction after complaint process. Furthermore the positive relationship between perceived firm reliability and complaint process satisfaction shows that the firm reliability is also an important factor in complaint handling activities. The other factor affects the satisfaction of complaint process is personality. Consumers are more satisfied from complaint process that have higher level of Type A personality characteristics which consist of several dimensions like determined, hardworking, goal oriented, ambitious or etc. So it can be inferred from this result that consumers who have Type A personality can solve problems more easily and reach their intended complaint process goals. The other result obtained from study is that there is a meaningful relationship between satisfaction from complaint process and consumer repurchase intention which means solving consumer complaints properly leads consumer to continue the relationship with company instead of cutting interaction immediately. Thus keeping consumer in hand and preventing other drawbacks would be achieved by the help of good complaint resolution. At last, there was found negative relationship between complaint satisfaction and negative word of mouth which illustrates the key role of satisfaction of complaint process in preventing negative word of mouth. At this point it has to be mentioned that negative word of mouth leads several bad conditions for companies like firm image deterioration, consumer losses and affection of potential buyers negatively. To wrap up all the opinions, factors, facts and findings as illustrated in the study, since being consumer oriented, keeping consumers in hand, ensuring repurchases, preventing negative word of mouths, seeing deficiencies of goods and services and improving them is neccessary in today‘s competitive business environment, firms must manage consumer complaints properly. To achieve this goal, details of complaint management activities and the factors affect consumer satisfaction from complaint management activities have to be known. Providing justice and ensuring equality in complaint handling processes, creating firm reliability, knowing how to behave toward consumer in the process, developing business goals, policies and procedures, founding sufficient and effective complaint management system, training and empowerment of personnel with the lights of these findings are neccessary for success of a complaint management system.


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Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi

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Gökdeniz, İ., Bozacı, İ., Karakaya, E. (2011). Şikâyet yönetim süreci sonrası memnuniyeti etkileyen faktörler üzerine uygulamalı bir araştırma. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 0(26), 173 - 185.