Safety of peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection: An observational, multicenter, open label, non-interventional study in Turkish patients
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Amaç: Pegile interferon alfa hepatit B tedavisinde kullanımı onaylanmış tek immunmodulator ilactır. Biz, bu calışmada kronik hepatit B’li hastalarda peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) tedavisinin guvenilirli.ini de.erlendirdik. Gereç ve Yöntem: Bu cok merkezli, acık etiketli, mudahalesiz, gozlemsel calışmaya dahil edilen peginterferon alfa-2a tedavisi (40KD; 180 ?g/hafta) altındaki 113 kronik hepatit B hastasından 66’sı takip donemini tamamladı. Vital bulgular, fizik muayane ve laboratuvar bulguları, eşlik eden ilac kullanımı ve advers olaylar kaydedildi. Yaşam kalitesi anketi (kısa form-36) calışmanın başında ve sonunda olmak uzere toplamda iki kez uygulandı. Bulgular: Başlangıc ve calışma sonu vizitleri arasında fizik muayene bulguları ve kısa form-36 skorları acısından anlamlı bir faklılık gozlenmedi. Toplamda 15 hastada (%22.7) rapor edilen 27 adet advers olayın co.unlu.u (%70.4) hafif şiddette idi. Monoterapi ve kombinasyon tedavisi (peginterferon alfa-2a + lamivudin, peginterferon alfa-2a + adefovir veya peginterferon alfa-2a + entekavir tedavi grupları) gruplarında advers olay oranları sırasıyla %23.7% ve %14.3 olarak benzer şekilde bulundu. Peginterferona yonelik doz azaltımı trombositopeni nedeniyle toplamda 3 hastada (%4.5) gercekleştirildi. Hastaların tedaviye uyum oranı %85.9 olarak belirlendi. Sonuç: Ciddi advers olaylara ve yaşam kalitesinde belirgin bir bozuklu.a yol acmaması esas alındı.ında, 48 haftalık peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD, 180 ?g/hafta, subkutan) tedavisi erişkin kronik hepatit B hastaları na yonelik klinik uygulamada; hasta uyumu, guvenlilik ve tolerabilite acısından olumlu sonuclar vermiştir.
Background/aims: Pegylated alfa interferon is the only immunomodulatory drug licensed for hepatitis B. We evaluated the safety and tolerability of peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Materials and Methods: A total of 113 chronic hepatitis B patients under peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD; 180 μg/week) treatment were included in this multicenter, open label, non-interventional study, and 66 patients completed the follow-up period. Vital signs, physical examination and laboratory findings, concomitant medications, and adverse events were recorded. A Quality of Life questionnaire (Short Form-36) was performed twice, at the beginning and at the end of the study. Results: There was no significant difference between initial and last visits in terms of physical examination findings and Short Form-36 scores. A total of 27 adverse events were reported in 15 patients (22.7%), with most of them being mild in intensity (70.4%). The rates of the adverse events were similar in the monotherapy and combination therapy groups (peginterferon alfa-2a + lamivudine, peginterferon alfa-2a + adefovir or peginterferon alfa-2a + entecavir therapy groups), at 23.7% and 14.3%, respectively. The dosage of peginterferon had to be reduced in 3 patients (4.5%) due to thrombocytopenia. Overall patient compliance to treatment was detected as 85.9%. Conclusions: Based on the lack of serious adverse events and absence of impairment in Quality of Life, peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD, 180 μg/week, subcutaneously) treatment for 48 weeks led to a high level of patient compliance and was associated with a high degree of safety and tolerability for the treatment of adult patients with chronic hepatitis B in real-life practice.
Background/aims: Pegylated alfa interferon is the only immunomodulatory drug licensed for hepatitis B. We evaluated the safety and tolerability of peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) in patients with chronic hepatitis B. Materials and Methods: A total of 113 chronic hepatitis B patients under peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD; 180 μg/week) treatment were included in this multicenter, open label, non-interventional study, and 66 patients completed the follow-up period. Vital signs, physical examination and laboratory findings, concomitant medications, and adverse events were recorded. A Quality of Life questionnaire (Short Form-36) was performed twice, at the beginning and at the end of the study. Results: There was no significant difference between initial and last visits in terms of physical examination findings and Short Form-36 scores. A total of 27 adverse events were reported in 15 patients (22.7%), with most of them being mild in intensity (70.4%). The rates of the adverse events were similar in the monotherapy and combination therapy groups (peginterferon alfa-2a + lamivudine, peginterferon alfa-2a + adefovir or peginterferon alfa-2a + entecavir therapy groups), at 23.7% and 14.3%, respectively. The dosage of peginterferon had to be reduced in 3 patients (4.5%) due to thrombocytopenia. Overall patient compliance to treatment was detected as 85.9%. Conclusions: Based on the lack of serious adverse events and absence of impairment in Quality of Life, peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD, 180 μg/week, subcutaneously) treatment for 48 weeks led to a high level of patient compliance and was associated with a high degree of safety and tolerability for the treatment of adult patients with chronic hepatitis B in real-life practice.
Anahtar Kelimeler
Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology
WoS Q Değeri
Scopus Q Değeri
Tözün N., Sezgin O., Gülşen M., Kacar S., Yenice N., Yılmaz Ş., Hülagü S., Kantarçeken B., Yakaryılmaz F., Yurci A., Serez K. M., Bahçecioğlu İ. H., Bağcı S. (2012). Safety of peginterferon alfa-2a (40KD) treatment in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection: An observational, multicenter, open label, non-interventional study in Turkish patients. Turkish Journal of Gastroenterology, 23(5), 552 - 559.